Functions vs. Store Procedures

  • What is the different between functions and store procedures?


  • A little bit vague this question, methinks.

    You might want to read to read both topics in BOL and come back more concrete questions.


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Thanks Frank,

    This is an interview questions.  How would you answer this in the circumstances mention here?


  • Um, OK, then how's this for an answer:

    one starts with an 'F'?


    One is listed in sysobjects with type 'FN' and the other has a 'P'...

    Is this multiple choice?


  • Kim03,

    Surely you can come up with better DBA Interview questions than that! How bout sussing out the candidate if he or she can develop Functions & Stored Procedures.

    Kindest Regards,

  • Okay, if it's for an interview, I would say the difference is that you should avoid UDF's whereever you can, while you should use stored procedures whereever you can. Exceptions are UDF's that return a table, which are very similar to views. Other UDF's do a row-by-row processing, and therefore are performance killers on larger tables.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]


    Following are the key differnces between Stored procedure and UDF.

    1.User defined Function returns only one value; It may be the one value of table data type if ur using table valued function.But stored procedure can return more than one values if you use OUTPUT paramers with procedure.

    2.You can use UDF(scalar/table valued) in the select statement as a record source. You can not use stored procedure result set as a record source in select statement directly.

    3.UDF can return only one result set at a time.While stored procedure can return more than one result sets.



  • Thank you all for the inputs.  I thought that was a bit strange for an interview brain teaser. 

    Pleasant day to all of you guys!


  • Worth a read for a view from the other side of the fence.......

    Frank: How u doing? Have you read these?


    We need men who can dream of things that never were.

  • Few More additions to above mentioned differences-


    4. DRI permissions are applicable to UDF and not to SP

    5. Schema binding can be done with UDF not with SP.

    6. You can make call to another SP through SP. Call to SP(other than extened stored procedure) is not allowed in UDF.

    7. Non Deterministics functions are allowed in SP not in UDF.

    8. UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements modifying database tables other than table variables that are local to the function is not allowed in UDF, It is allowed in SP

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