Functions in Access not supported in SQL

  • I'm working on a project converting an Access DB to SQL.

    The Access DB contains a lot of crosstab queries which aren't supported in SQL which can be replaced with a stored procedure, and a lot of queries that use the Iif function which also isn't supported.

    If I'm seeing a function that looks something like Sum(IIF(blah blah, blah blah, blah blah)/Sum(IIF(etc.....  how on EARTH do I convert that using SELECT/CASE? 

  • iif in Access is CASE in T SQL e.g.

    iif([field1]<29,x,y) becomes

    CASE [field1]
    WHEN <29 THEN x
    ELSE y

    When you have multiple (or nested conditions) then the CASE method looks a lot neater e.g.

    iif([field1]<22, a,iif([field1]<30,b,iif([field1]<40,c ....


    WHEN [field1]<22 THEN a
    WHEN [field1]>=22 AND [field1]<30 THEN b

    Your example would be something like

    SUM (CASE [field1]
    WHEN <29 THEN x
    ELSE y
    END) /
    SUM(CASE [field2]

    WHEN <45 THEN b
    ELSE c


    Hope that helps.

  • Thanks, I'll give that a try.

  • Why don't you look into Report Services they use a format called Matrix to satify the Pivot Logic.

    we created a pivot table stored Procedure as follows :

    Hope this helps


    Pivot Table stored procedure


    Generates simple pivot tables on data, and outputs the final SQL statement via Print

    For example, given data as shown below:

    ID          year        type        amt        

    ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

    7           1999        1           23

    8           1999        2           44

    9           1999        3           55

    10          2000        1           66

    11          2000        2           77

    12          2000        3           88

    13 1999  1  11

    ... you can pivot the data to show the years down the side

    and the types across the top...

    year        1           2           3           RowTotal   

    ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

    1999        34          44          55          133

    2000        66          77          88          231

    ... and get the SQL which would produce this table

     SELECT Pivot_Data.*,

      (Pivot_Data.[1] + Pivot_Data.[2] + Pivot_Data.[3]) AS RowTotal

     FROM (SELECT [year], 

     SUM(CASE [type] WHEN '1' THEN [amt] ELSE 0 END) AS [1], 

     SUM(CASE [type] WHEN '2' THEN [amt] ELSE 0 END) AS [2], 

     SUM(CASE [type] WHEN '3' THEN [amt] ELSE 0 END) AS [3]

      FROM (select * from zzjunk) AS Base_Data

     GROUP BY [year]) AS Pivot_Data

    .. by calling the procedure as shown below:

    exec sp_Query_Pivot 'select * from zzjunk', '[year]', '[type]',

     'Select distinct [type] from zzjunk', 'SUM', '[amt]', 'Y'

    -- Base_Data_SQL gets all data from zzjunk

    -- group by year

    -- use the type column as headings

    -- get the list of types available from the junk table,

    -- use 'SUM' at each cell

    -- sum the '[amt]' column

    -- include a summary for the row

    Example 2:

    sp_Query_Pivot 'select * from fin_ben_allocation as fba inner join bmo_group as bg

     on fba.beneficiary_id = bg.bmo_group_id',

     '[eng_id]', '[bmo_group_desc_short]',

     'Select bmo_group_desc FROM bmo_group', 'SUM', '[avoidance_pct]', 'Y'


    eng_id      PCCG E! PCG  IBG  Corp RowTotal                                

    ----------- ---------------------------------------- -----

    1           1   34  0       0       0       35

    2           100     0   34      24      12      170



     Base_Data_SQL  SQL that returns data to be summarized

     Row_Headings  Comma-separated list of rows to use as groupings of data

     Column_Heading  Column to use as heading

     Column_Head_SQL  SQL that returns set of possible column headings

     Operation   SUM, PRODUCT, etc

     Op_Argument   Column to use as argument in operation

    Steps in Routine:

     1. Get list of distinct column headings

     2. Looping through column headings, ALTER  SQL for pivot

     3. Add summary SQL if required

     4. Execute


    Jeff Zohrab  Aug 13, 2001  Initial release


    CREATE   Procedure Take2.sp_Query_Pivot2

      @Base_Data_SQL  varchar(6000),  -- Table to use as recordsource to build final crosstab qry

      @Row_Headings  varchar(1200),   -- Comma-separated list of rows to use as groupings of data

      @Column_Heading  varchar(1200),   -- Column to use as heading

      @Column_Head_SQL varchar(2000),  -- SQL that returns set of possible column headings

      @Operation   varchar(10),   -- SUM, PRODUCT, etc

      @Op_Argument  varchar(200),   -- Column to use as argument in operation

      @Add_Row_Summary char(1)   -- 'Y' to include summary, 'N' to omit


    set nocount on

    Declare @sql    varchar(8000),

      @Summary_SQL  varchar(8000)  -- to summarize each row

    SET @sql = 'SELECT ' + @Row_Headings + ', '

    Set @Summary_SQL = ''

    -- Get list of distinct column headings

    CREATE TABLE #Col_Heads


     Col_ID int identity(1,1),

     Col_Head varchar(200) NULL


    Exec ('INSERT INTO #Col_Heads(Col_Head) ' + @Column_Head_SQL)

    -- select * from #Col_Heads -- debug check

    -- loop through all columns, build pivot strings

    DECLARE @Col_ID_Curr int,    -- column being checked

      @Col_ID_Old int,

      @Curr_Col_Head varchar(8000),

      @Pivot_SQL varchar(8000)   -- pivot SQL for current column

    SELECT TOP 1 @Col_ID_Curr = Col_ID, @Curr_Col_Head = Col_Head

     FROM #Col_Heads ORDER BY Col_ID

    IF (@Col_ID_Curr IS NOT NULL ) 


     -- dummy value to enter loop

     Set @Col_ID_Old = @Col_ID_Curr - 1

     WHILE (@Col_ID_Old <> @Col_ID_Curr)


      -- print 'Adding pivot line for heading ' + @Curr_Col_Head -- debug check

      Set @Pivot_SQL = char(13) + @Operation

       + '(CASE ' + @Column_Heading

       + ' WHEN ''' + @Curr_Col_Head + ''' THEN ' + @Op_Argument

       + ' ELSE 0 END) AS [' + @Curr_Col_Head +']'


      Set @sql = @sql + ' ' + @Pivot_SQL


      -- Add column name to summary list, if required

      If (@Add_Row_Summary='Y')

       Set @Summary_SQL = @Summary_SQL + 'Pivot_Data.[' + @Curr_Col_Head +']'

      -- Get the next column head

      -- if there are no more Col_Heads in the table, the select returns

      -- no records, and Col_ID_Curr doesn't change (exits the while loop)

      Set @Col_ID_Old = @Col_ID_Curr

      SELECT TOP 1 @Col_ID_Curr = Col_ID, @Curr_Col_Head = Col_Head

       FROM #Col_Heads

       WHERE Col_ID > @Col_ID_Curr

       ORDER BY Col_ID

      -- Add delimiters to lists if this isn't the last column heading

      IF (@Col_ID_Old <> @Col_ID_Curr)


       Set @sql = @sql  + ', '

       Set @Summary_SQL = @Summary_SQL  + ' + ' 




    --select * from #Col_Heads

    Declare @TotalCnt tinyint

    Declare @ctr tinyint

    Declare @StartColCount Tinyint

    Declare @EndColCount Tinyint

    set @TotalCnt=0

    select @TotalCnt=count(*) from #Col_Heads

    while @Totalcnt <= 12


    set @Totalcnt=@Totalcnt - 12 --Get the number of balance columns





    -- release objects

    DROP TABLE #Col_Heads

    -- Finish SQL

    Set @sql = @sql + char(13) + ' FROM (' +  @Base_Data_SQL  + ') AS Base_Data '

     + char(13) + 'GROUP BY ' + @Row_Headings

    -- If summary requested, add enclosing Summary SQL

    If (@Add_Row_Summary='Y')


      Set @sql = 'SELECT  Pivot_Data.*, ' + char(13)

       + ' (' + @Summary_SQL + ') AS RowTotal ' + char(13)

       + '   FROM (' + @sql + ') AS Pivot_Data'


    print @sql

    --select * from #Temp

    -- Done

    --Print @sql

    Exec (@SQL)


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