FullText Search Indexing

  • Hello!

    I have a table

    create table FY_Objects


    ID bigint identity primary key,

    CategoryID bigint,

    Title nvarchar(240)


    create index ix_ttt_id_cat

    on FY_Objects(ID, CategoryID)

    I have Fultext index on Title column.

    The following query

    select CategoryID, COUNT(*)

    from FY_Objects with(nolock)

    where contains(*, 'example')

    group by CategoryID

    order by COUNT(*) desc;

    takes about 300ms on 13 million rows (all rows loaded in cache, ~100,000 rows contain 'example').

    Query plan is attached to the message. I see that SQL Server goes to another index for each row that was found in Fulltext index.

    Is it possible to include somehow CategoryID into the FullText Index as I do for regular indexes? Or are there other ways to speed-up my query?

    thanks in advance.

    Anton Burtsev

  • That may help:


    It's still applicable to 2008.

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  • Eugene,

    This helps in search scenario, not grouping.

    Do you know any other fulltext solution that allow fast grouping?

    Anton Burtsev

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