FullText Question

  • Good day Forumites,

    I have a full text search set up on the "Goods" table with some columns below, the fulltext search columns are also below.

    Goods - GoodsID, GoodsCategoryID, GoodsBarCode, NameOfGoods

    GoodsCategory - GoodsCategoryID, GoodsCategory

    Fulltext Search columns - GoodsBarCode, NameOfGoods from Goods Table

    The following code works fine without the where clause. When I include the where clause, it returns nothing. There are goods in this category that have 'no' in them so this is not correct. I didnt provide a table structure because of the full text but is there something im missing in the code?

    SELECT goods.goodsbarcode,


    FROM goods

    JOIN freetexttable (dbo.goods, (nameofgoods,goodsbarcode), 'no', 5) AS gt


    goods.goodsid = gt.

    WHERE goodscategoryid in (10,20,30,40)

  • Your FREETEXTTABLE query returns just the top 5 matches by rank. There is no guarantee that these five will match the condition in your WHERE clause.

    Also, the search term 'no' will be wordbroken, stemmed, and passed through the thesaurus. If you just want to do a simple word search, use CONTAINSTABLE instead.

  • I agree with Paul. Eliminate the 5 from your FREETEXTTABLE query, and then implement the containstable.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Please let me know if my explanation wasn't clear, and I will attempt to clarify.

  • Thanks for the response guys. I really appreciate it. So to use the containstable will just be as easy as replacing the word freetexttable with containstable and removing the '5'. Ill try that and get back to you guys. Thanks guys.

    Thanks Paul for your sincere good heart and not to mention the speed at which you reply people's questions on here..

  • "no" is a Stop (noise) word and will not be indexed. Which means that it cannot be searched.

    My strong opinion: Eliminate the Stop (noise) words. You'll be better off.

    Also scan the forum threads for my handle and/or full-text. There are lots of postings.

    We are a SaaS company using full-text extensively. The SQL Server functions that we use are CONTAINS and CONTAINSTABLE (when we need to rank hits). We also utilize the stemming feature (FORMSOF INFLECTION) with languages.

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  • Mauve (3/24/2010)

    "no" is a Stop (noise) word and will not be indexed. Which means that it cannot be searched. My strong opinion: Eliminate the Stop (noise) words. You'll be better off. Also scan the forum threads for my handle and/or full-text. There are lots of postings. We are a SaaS company using full-text extensively. The SQL Server functions that we use are CONTAINS and CONTAINSTABLE (when we need to rank hits). We also utilize the stemming feature (FORMSOF INFLECTION) with languages.

    In the first post, it was stated that the query worked fine without the WHERE clause, therefore 'no' has already been removed from the noise word list.

    The correct syntax is FORMSOF(INFLECTIONAL, ...)

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