Full-text woes

  • Hi

    I am having difficulty with combining free text tables.  Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Table1 consists details of goods:

    ID                   PK

    Location          varchar

    Table2 contains extra details of table1 (one to one relation)

    ID                   PK (FK of Table1)

    Specs              varchar

    When the user searches, I want to search both tables.  If I query one after another and then union it works fine but now I might have duplicate data.

    Select * from table1

    inner join ContainsTable(table1, *, 'searchText') as S

    on table1.ID = s.


    Select * from table1

    inner join Table2 on Table1.ID = Table2.ID

    inner join CotainsTable(table2, *, 'searchText') AS SS

    on table1.ID = ss.

    Also tried using left join, but if the first table did not have any results, it will cause problems.



  • All you should need is:

    Select t1.location, t2.specs

    From dbo.table1 t1

    Inner Join dbo.table2 t2

    On t1.id = t2.id

    Or this:

    Select t1.location, t2.specs

    From dbo.table1 t1

    Left Outer Join dbo.table2 t2

    On t1.id = t2.id

    The first query will only return data should matching records exist in both tables. The second query will return matching records and parent records with a null for missing child records.

  • You cannot union as your two queries return different number of expressions. Also if you want the rank as well then you will also get 'duplicates'.

    You need to decide what to output, e.g

    The following will return the unique table1 entries where a match is found in either table

    Select t1.*

    from table1 t1

    inner join ContainsTable(table1, *, 'searchText') as S

    on t1.ID = s.


    Select t1.*

    from table1 t1

    inner join Table2 t2 on t1.ID = t2.ID

    inner join CotainsTable(table2, *, 'searchText') AS SS

    on t1.ID = ss.

    and this will return both table1 and table2 where a match is found in either table

    (change inner join to left outer if relationship (table1, table2) is not 1-to-1)

    select *

    from table1 t1

    inner join

    (Select S.

    from ContainsTable(table1, *, 'searchText') as S


    Select SS.

    from ContainsTable(table2, *, 'searchText') AS SS) k

    on k. = t1.[ID]

    inner join table2 t2

    on t2.[ID] = t1.[ID]

    this may also work

    select *

    from table1 t1

    inner join table2 t2

    on t2.[ID] = t1.[ID]

    where Contains(t1.*, 'searchText')

    or Contains(t2.*, 'searchText')

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Hi David,

    Thanks to your reply.  Your answer clarified my doubts (if I wanted rank, then there will be duplicates). 

    All your queries worked without the ranking.

    Once again thanks for your time.  Have a great day.

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