Full-text searching

  • Hello, I have a problem with a full-text search that I'd apprecicate some help with :-

    I have a column called 'txt' on a full-text enabled table called ft and I run the following query :-

    select * from ft where contains(txt,'"6W*"')

    The behaviour I require is to return any records which have a word within txt that begins with '60W' (e.g. '60Wabc fg' or 'werw 60Wsdffd') but when I execute the above query the following records are returned :- '600W', '6000W', '6WW' but not '6000WW'. Has anyone else witnesed this behaviour with

    numerics mid-string? (The query executes exactly as required if there are no numerics mid-string).

    Thanks for any help, Andy.


  • Haven't seen that. I will ahve to test.

    Steve Jones


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