full text search

  • iam running a job portal with 80,000 + registered candidates

    iam storing there .doc files, resumes in the disk space, now iam planning to save those .doc files into mysql or mssal

    which 1 is the best ?

    do i need to actually store those doc files into data column to use full text search, cannot i not store them in disk and still index them into full text search ?

    iam confused in choosing mysql and mssql server, which 1 should i choose


    <a href="http://www.websolsoftware.com"> For IT jobs click here</a>

    *Sukhoi*[font="Arial Narrow"][/font]

  • any help please i got to make decision fast


    <a href="http://www.websolsoftware.com"> For IT jobs click here</a>

    *Sukhoi*[font="Arial Narrow"][/font]

  • There has been extensive debate (flame war levels) on this issue for many years, and as always the answer you seek "depends" upon what you are doing, and the size and number of they resumes you are storing in SQL Server vs. pointers to files on the server. Below is a published Microsoft Research paper on this topic:

    To BLOB or Not to BLOB: Large Object Storage in Database or File System

    by Jim Gray of Microsoft Research (recently passed away)


    My only concern with this paper is that is does not mention SQL Server's Full-text Search (SQL FTS) feature by name or discuss the relative benefits / issues with FTS in the databbase vs. using the Indexing Service on the server and joining the results with your other SQL table columns.



    John T. Kane

    Search Evangelist, Intellisearch

    website: http://www.intellisearchusa.com




    John T. Kane

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