Full Text Problems

  • I'm only just starting to use my first Full Text on the production server, but running into some issue

    Full Text Index Table is greyed out, so I went searching through this forum

    Found a couple of hints, which I've tried - the server does have Microsoft Search running as a Service, but it wasn't logging in using the same account, so I changed that

    Now when the server boots, the Microsoft Search service starts, but it will never Stop - if I use the SQL Server thing in the System Tray, it just sits there grey, if I use the Services control, it "crashes" on the Stop...

    Any thoughts?

  • I once got initial FT problems because I'd removed the builtin/administrators login.

    - Mark

  • Sorry, I forgot to say

    The builtin/administrators login is still in place

    My SQL Server doesn't login using local system or Administrator, but uses a made Admin level account

  • OK, here's something new

    If I take over the server with Terminal Services, using the Admin level login, I can build the Full Text Index, but logging in via "sa" using Enterprise Manager, I can't...

  • I'm stumped.  I would have suggested your SQL Server service was running under an account that's not a member of local administrators, but you've already discounted that.

    I'll give it some thought.

    - Mark

  • Thanks

    Any suggestions can only help

  • Have you looked at the Application log and the System log in your Event Viewer ?

    FYI, MSSearch uses RPC.  If you have other applications or hardware (such as a faulty driver), it can terminate the RPC unexpectedly and causes MSSearch to crash.  It gave me so much grief because I had a similar problem where the Full-Text catalog would "disappear" but there was nothing wrong with SQL Server.

    Just a suggestion to consider.


    Albert Wun

  • We have just heard back from our Server hosting guys - the server had been crashing on and off... here's what they said:

    it actually appears that MSSEARCH is causing the issues, and not a hardware issue. MSSEARCH consumes 50% of the CPU continually and our guess is that it just overwhelms the resources eventually.

    We've had to disable MSSearch for the moment to keep the server up, which means that I obviously can't use Full Text until this is sorted

    I'll look into the logs to see if anything there gives a hint, but this is getting ANNOYING!

  • The following may or may not be relevant...


    - Mark

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