Full text Problems

  • Hi all, my english is very bad, so i try to explain...

    when i put the string

    and Contains (PG.GenericTitleFullTxt,'"* Dias *" AND "* que *"AND "* Abalaram *" AND "* Mundo * "')

    in my query, the results show up.... but is only i put the " * O * " in the search string and not shows ..something linke


    Contains (PG.GenericTitleFullTxt,'"* Dias *" AND "* que *"AND "* Abalaram *" AND "* O * " AND * Mundo * "')

    All the conditions for the "and" exists....in my catalog i have the string

    Dias que Abalaram O Mundo

    many times..bu if i put the "O" in the search ...not shows nothing...


    I droped the catalog, indexes..rebuild..etc...


    Anyone can help me ?



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  • It somehow can be related to the noise words.

    If you read the Books Online article Noise Words


    it says that these words "are left out of the full-text index"

    I checked the English version of the file noiseENG.txt and it contains all letters. Your condition says  AND so the word O have to be in the index and it is not. that is why you are not getting results. If it is important to you to have the letter O you can edit the file and re-populate the catalog, but then the catalog may be too big.

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • Thank´s a lot

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