Full tempdb Log

  • My tempdb log file fills up where the Log Free Space is 4%, Log Used is 95%. If I restart the server it will clear out tempdb, thats not an option since it has to be up 24/7 (mostly). Is my only option is to increase the size.

  • Yes, if the DB must be online your only option is to increase size of the temdb. Then check what consume space eg:


    maybe the tempdb size should be larger.

  • When looking at what is happening in the temp db I would also have a look at what the overall requirement of the database server and the hardware configuration is.

    I have just been reading up on some of this, and one idea is that you should have a look at the databases and the tables inside, from that the tempdb should at least have enough room to allow you to do an online reindex of the largest table and all it's indexes. But take not that sizing the temp db and if in some cases the multiple files of the temp db should be done correctly to make sure the system runs fine.

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