FTP to a Amazon S3 instance using SSIS

  • Hello

    I need to some help trying to connect the an Amazon S3 FTP site. We have a third party providing us data via amazon S3 FTP site. the default SSIS FTP task can't connect to it and I have looked online and there are connectors that you can get; however, I cant use them due to the cost of the connector. Does anyone know of a way to connect to an S3 FTP site via SSIS or a free connector that will allow me to ?

    Any help would be much appreciated


  • There is a few ways of doing this, three methods I have used is:

    1. Download and install the AWS SDK for powershell and then use the Powershell commands for interacting with S3 (http://aws.amazon.com/documentation/powershell/). Use the exec system task in SSIS.

    2. Download and install python and the python SDK for AWS called boto, and use the boto methods to get the files from S3 (http://aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-python/) Use the exec system task in SSIS.

    3. Use the AWS Command Line Interface to create batch file to get the files and call it using a exec system task (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/s3/index.html)

    All the methods require you to have the access and secret AWS keys for your user account.

    MCITP SQL 2005, MCSA SQL 2012

  • Here is an example python module I have created for uploading \ deleting and downloading files from S3:

    import boto

    import os

    from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection

    from boto.s3.key import Key


    #### Create a function to upload to S3


    def UploadFileToS3(access_key, secret_key, s3_bucket, s3_path, file):

    #Load the keys into memory within the OS

    os.environ['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] = access_key

    os.environ['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] = secret_key

    #Create file name for S3 storage

    file_name_to_use_in_s3 = "%s/%s"%(s3_path.lower(), os.path.basename(file))

    #Create a connection to S3

    conn = S3Connection()

    bucket = conn.get_bucket(s3_bucket.lower())

    #Create a new key object for the file to be written

    k = Key(bucket)

    k.key = os.path.basename(file)

    k.name = file_name_to_use_in_s3

    #Write the contents of the key in S3


    #Return the name and location of the file in S3

    return s3_bucket + "/" + str(k.name)


    #### Create a function to delete all files from S3 path


    def RemoveS3Path(access_key, secret_key, s3_bucket, s3_path):

    #Load the keys into memory within the OS

    os.environ['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] = access_key

    os.environ['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] = secret_key

    # connect to the bucket

    conn = S3Connection()

    bucket = conn.get_bucket(s3_bucket.lower())

    #For every file in the check if its in the s3_path, and if so delete it

    for key in bucket.list():

    if key.name.startswith(s3_path):

    keyfile = str(key.name)


    return 1


    #### Create a function to download all files from a S3 Path


    def DownloadS3BucketPath(access_key, secret_key, s3_bucket, s3_path, localpath):

    #Load the keys into memory within the OS

    os.environ['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] = access_key

    os.environ['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] = secret_key

    # connect to the bucket

    conn = S3Connection()

    bucket = conn.get_bucket(s3_bucket.lower())

    #For every file in the bucket check if its in the supplied path, and if so download it locally

    for key in bucket.list():

    if key.name.startswith(s3_path):

    keyfile = str(key.name)

    head, tail = ntpath.split(keyfile)

    keyfile = tail

    if len(keyfile) > 1:

    key.get_contents_to_filename(localpath + "\\" + keyfile)

    return 1

    MCITP SQL 2005, MCSA SQL 2012

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