FTP Task

  • I am setting up a DTS which includes the FTP task. The Files appear to be downloading (Checking the Destination directory indicates that the file is there and increasing in size). Problem is, at the end of the FTP Task, the files are being erased.

    Does anyone know how to prevent this.

  • Are the files completely downloaded? Does the package complete without an error? It might include the file deletion as part of a rollback if there is an error.

    Steve Jones



  • I foundd the Problem. This Is a / the problem Acknowledged by Microsoft. If the last file downloaded by a FTP task is larger than about 2MB it is deleted. The bug was fixed with service pack 1. The Network adnmionistrator around here should apply the service packs today. Thanks for the response

  • The Service Pack has been applied and I am still seeing the same Problem.

    The FTP task Downloads the data Then Deletes the last File Downloaded. Please Help. FTPing Files is critical to core functionality around here.

  • We were having the same problem with large files. Finally gave up and just call a batch file that starts FTP with the -s parameter. This allows the ftp commands to be read from a file.

  • I used the same solution of creating a command .txt file with all the ftp commands and a .bat file to call ftp with the -s parameter. Easy and very effective. Thanks for the reply

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