Frustrated with the reporting services error

  • Hi,

    I installed and configured reporting service 2005 developer edition 64 bit on windows 2003 EE edition.

    Server A is the reporting server(where reporting services installed) and server B is for storing Report server database and reportservertempDb. Everything went successful while configuring Reporting services via reporting services configuration manager and report server n report servertempdb were created on serverB.

    but when ever I access the url http://serverA/reportserver and http://servera/reports Iam getting the wired error.

    The report server cannot open a connection to the report server database. A connection to the database is required for all requests and processing. (rsReportServerDatabaseUnavailable) Get Online Help

    Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'.

    The report server cannot open a connection to the report server database. A connection to the database is required for all requests and processing. (rsReportServerDatabaseUnavailable) Get Online Help Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'.

    I wasted so many days so far to correct this error.But no use. Iam no where mentioning the user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON. But why and where it is picking up that user?

    Iam using windows authentication.

    any body please help me

  • When you defining the report server database connection, which credential type you use (Windows integrated security, windows user account or SQL server login)?

    You can check RSreportserver.config file and look for

    this section


    It seems the credential you connect to reportserver db might not have enough privilege.

  • When you defining the report server database connection, which credential type you use (Windows integrated security, windows user account or SQL server login)?

    Iam using windows integrated security. Its a domain account on server A and Server B and added as local admin on both servers too.

    I tried with sa account aslo but getting the same error. Iam not getting any error while configuring through reporting services manager. But when I browse reportserver n reports the same error?????

    I have the below in rsreportserver.config
















    Add Key="SecureConnectionLevel" Value="0"/>

    Add Key="ProcessRecycleOptions" Value="0"/>

    Add Key="CleanupCycleMinutes" Value="10"/>

    Add Key="SQLCommandTimeoutSeconds" Value="60"/>

    Add Key="MaxActiveReqForOneUser" Value="20"/>

    Add Key="DatabaseQueryTimeout" Value="120"/>

    Add Key="RunningRequestsScavengerCycle" Value="60"/>

    Add Key="RunningRequestsDbCycle" Value="60"/>

    Add Key="RunningRequestsAge" Value="30"/>

    Add Key="MaxScheduleWait" Value="5"/>

    Add Key="DisplayErrorLink" Value="true"/>

    Add Key="WebServiceUseFileShareStorage" Value="false"/>

    !-- full dump-->

    !-- minidump --

    !-- no dump--

    Add Key="WatsonFlags" Value="0x0428"/

    what should I change in rereportserver.config

  • config file looks ok.

    On your server B, what version of SQL you have? I assume it is 64bit server as well right?

    Please verify this on your SQL server

    sql server surface area configuration-->surface area configuration for services and connection-->click remote connection of your instance-->TCP/IP and NamePipe

  • The first thing to look for would be as suggested check the allow remote connections settings also enable tcp/ip on server through configuration management.

    also try this:

    connect to reporting services in management studio (if you can) .

    right click reporting server name and properties--> permissions--> add yourself to the reporting services as a sysadmin and check to see the BUILTIN/ADMin group ha sysadmin permissions...

  • thanks,

    sql server surface area configuration-->surface area configuration for services and connection-->click remote connection of your instance-->TCP/IP and NamePipe---------IS ALREADY ENABLED

    Both Server A and Server B are Developer editions 64 bit.

    Iam able to connect Reporting services in Server A BUT when I click home or any folder in object explorer I'm getting the following error:

    TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio


    Failed to retrieve data for this request. (Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoEnum)

    For help, click:



    The report server cannot open a connection to the report server database. A connection to the database is required for all requests and processing. (rsReportServerDatabaseUnavailable) (Report Services SOAP Proxy Source)

    For help, click:


    The report server cannot open a connection to the report server database. A connection to the database is required for all requests and processing. (rsReportServerDatabaseUnavailable) (ReportingServicesLibrary)

    For help, click:


    Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'. () (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)





    The reportServer n reportserverTempdb were created in server B.

  • from where this user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON' is coming from ?????

  • You might want to try the followings:

    On Server A(report server), open SQL server configuration manager, under SQL Native Client Configuration(32bit) and SQL Native client configuration, create aliases with Server B name, IP and SQL port.

    On Server B(SQL server), create the same alias (Server B name, IP and SQL port) under SQL Native client configuration(32bit) and SQL Native cleint configuration.

  • start cmd


    rsconfig -c -s -d reportserver -a Windows -u -p


    rsconfig -c -m -s -d reportserver -a SQL -u SA -p

    Here are my server and instance details. please provide me the command to run from command prompt from server A in order to connect reportserver database in server B

    Server A: SQL1

    Reporting services instance name:ins1

    server B: SQL2

    Database engine instance name: ins2

    authentication used: sa

    password: xxxxxxx

    many thanks

  • On Server A(report server), open SQL server configuration manager, under SQL Native Client Configuration(32bit) and SQL Native client configuration, create aliases with SQL2\ins2, IP and SQL port.

    On Server B(SQL server), create the same alias (SQL2\ins2, IP and SQL port) under SQL Native client configuration(32bit) and SQL Native cleint configuration.

    Logon server A with domain report service account, try this

    sqlcmd -Ssql2\ins2 -E

  • Hello,

    Any news because I have the same issue when trying to use a embedded connection and and current Windows user credential


  • olivier.ferran (7/1/2009)


    Any news because I have the same issue when trying to use a embedded connection and and current Windows user credential


    I use Kerberos to allow delegation when services are on separate machines and security is needed.

    This requires some setup. Here's a post that has some links you might be interested in.

    Greg E

  • Just a thought....but are the ports between A & B open? Also....what happens when you log into server B thru Management studio using the credentials you used in configuring A to access B?

  • Sorry I keep popping in here, but I encountered this same issue (among many others when I set up the ReportServer remotely) as you have done. I believe that we did upgrade the domain account to local admin on the web server box (server A). There were also firewall and proxy issues to resolve, which fell on the shoulders or the network admin.

    In addition, when I created my database (this was a new configuration so I created a new database, rather than pointed to an existing), I found the database was created during configuration but the last step failed. This caused the database RSExecRole not to get created.

    Fortunately I had a test implementation of SSRS to work with and was able to script the role out of there. I ended up creating the role myself and putting it in msdb, master, ReportServer, ReportServerTempDB (of course your SSRS DB names may be different). I added the domain account to these roles. In master and msdb, the NT Authority\Network Service and NT Authority\System accounts also are role members.

    For me.....this was a bumpy implementation and many of the issues were created by network permission and firewall/proxy settings.

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