Front end

  • I'm just in the process of moving over from access to SQL and I need some advice on what is the best front end to use.

    I've heard about access data projects and linking tables to a MS Access DB.

    The db will be used by up to 25 uses and they will be using forms to input data into the tables.

    So I'm looking for some advice and assistance to help me with this.

  • what about vb ?! (have never worked with Access so can't comment on it)

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Michael,

    I have built a moderately sized application using SQL Server 2000 and Access 2002 as the front end. I chose Access over VB for two reasons:  I know VB at an intermediate level, but have not used it as extensively as with VBA; and developing in Access seemed to be much quicker as the forms designer is easier to use and Access comes with a lot of built-in data-management (validation, etc.) that allowed me to develop the app more quickly than I think it would have in VB.

    The SQL database has about 150 tables, 100 - 150 stored procedures and more than a few functions. The Access front-end has around 100 - 150 forms and reports. We have about 10 people currently who use the app, we have a server that is FAR from being a "powerhouse" and there seem to be no performance issues.

    I would definitely recommend using Access as a front-end to your SQL Server as it has worked well for us. Just put most of your business logic as close to the data as possible by using stored procedures, etc. Also, when I release front-end versions to users, I turn the ADP file that I use to do development on into an ADE file, turn off unneeded menu options, and have the file start with our switchboard menu. Then I take the ADE file and copy it to each user's machine as they need it. This can be automated, of course, I just haven't taken the time to figure out how.

    At any rate, that's my two-cents. I'd be happy to help with anything that I can based on what we have been able to do here.

    Good Luck!

    Kyle Brown


    If you'd like some marketing materials about our app, I'd be happy to send them to you so that you can get a feel for the size of our project.

  • U can surely go for VB as the front end if u know it.

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