From Cursor into Table

  • Hello everybody,

    I created this cursor in order to find data and log (.mdf and .ldf) files for each database on the server .So far I can see all Data files (.mdf) from master.sysdatabases , but can not find ALL logs in one place like Data files, only inside the each database. So, I created this to see them all at once :

    declare DBName_cursor cursor


    select name from master..sysdatabases

    declare @name varchar (50)

    declare @sql nvarchar(279)

    open DBName_cursor

    fetch next from DBName_cursor into @name



            set @sql = 'use ' + quotename(@name) + '  select name, filename from sysfiles order by fileid' 

    FETCH NEXT FROM DBName_cursor into @name



       CLOSE DBName_cursor

       DEALLOCATE DBName_cursor

    Now, I am thinking, is it possible to put everything from that cursor into one table to be able to make search or update or anything else I need with this data.

    Maybe  another Cursor inside this Cursor....? (just guessing...:confused

    Thank you people!




  • i think you can get everything you might want straight from master:

    select  db_name(dbid),name, filename from master.dbo.sysaltfiles order by db_name(dbid)


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  • Thank you! I did not look at that table at all, just checked sp_helpfile and sp_helpdb trying to find where the files name are coming from silly me 

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