From Access to SQL Server

  • Hey People,

    I'm trying to go from Access backend to a SQL backend..

    Now my question: Where to begin????

    I wanna get the best I can out of SQL server so I want a good start you know..

    There r many sites out there providing lots and lots of info, but Im lost here..

    please advise


    Thanks in advance,


  • Theoretically you could simply run the Access upsizing wizard

    I would start by reading up about the different datatypes in SQL Server and mapping them to the various MS Access types.

    In Access you have a maximum text field size of 255 characters.  In SQL the equivalent is VARCHAR with a maximum of 8000 characters.

    This means that you may have some scope to reduce the number of access Memo fields.

    I would make a list of all the queries that you run against your access database.

    Those that carry out actions or those that require parameters for a select statement can be classed as stored procedures.

    Those that do selects with no parameters will either map to SQL Server views or stored procedures.

    The biggest difference between the SQL within MS Access and SQL Server is in the UPDATE statement.

  • Hey David,


    Thanks allot.

    I got an ODBC connection to the SQL server and linked my tables using the ODBC connection.. is this the best I can do with SQL ?


    Also, I'm unable to Add records to a form based on a SELECT statement as source... when I open the table I can Add.. Im possitive that I have a Unique key in each table.. Any suggestions?





  • If your SELECT involves a single table then you should be able to Add.

    Make sure that whatever user you are connecting to the database has read/write access.

    Your best bet is to set up a role and grant the necessary privileges then attach users to that role.

    Access causes locking problems with SQL Server so if you allow Access users to enter data via a data sheet view you may have problems.

    I found that I had to use a form and then programatically taken the values of the fields and pass them into a stored procedure via an Access passthru query.

    I later switched to using VB and ADO Command objects ditching Access altogether.

    The shift from Access to VB was a bit traumatic.  Access has so many great features that VB seemed to be a step backwards.

    I still have users who need to use Access but the approach I take is to have SQL Server download the relevant tables to Access via a DTS package.

    Users can then download the resulting MDB file and play around to their hearts content without affecting my server.

  • Hey Again David,


    "...I found that I had to use a form and then programatically taken the values of the fields and pass them into a stored procedure via an Access passthru query..."

    That sounds as alot of abra-ca-dabra for me

    Can u explain that more or got some good links on Stored Procedures? I just use query's now..




  • I started off by linking an Access frontend to an SQL Server backend but found that performance while reasonable on our LAN was not very good on the WAN.

    Ditched that option and then went for an unbound frontend. Loading and saving all done in VBA. Have 400 plus registered users and the server barely ticking over.

    I started off with SAMS "Microsoft Access Developer's Guide to SQL Server" authors: Mary Chipman and Andy Baron.

  • Hey Stefan,


    Thanks for your reply.

    I have that book already 🙂

    Do you perhaps can send me a sample of your database ?(offcourse I'll be very discreet with the information)


    Thanks in advance,


  • I don't think it would help you. It is very large and has lots and lots of very specific funtionanility. You are far better off working through the examples in the book, I based a lot of what I did on those examples.

  • Ok, Will do that..



    Do I understand correctly that you don't have ANY table in your frontend? and did u used an ADP as frontend?

    Also, Do U use a DSN-less connection (If so can you please tell me how) or do u use a DSN (ODBC) connection ?

    Sorry for all the uqestions, but It would be very helpfull




  • I am using Access 97 as the frontend so do not use ADP, I use a standard mdb file (actually an MDE for users)

    The only tables I have in the frontend are:

    1. Reference data tables - these are only downloaded on connection if changed (a table stores a flag for each reference table which is modified by trigger)

    2. Temporary tables. Most of the time I use ADO or Passthru queries but occasionaly this does not work e.g. exporting to Word so I create a temporary table.

    I based the method I use to connect on Chapter 11 - Scaling up with unbound access applications.

    Off the top of my head it works like this:

    The application opens with a login form. This login form stores the string for both ODBC and OLE DB connections. ODBC is used for passthru queries (when you need multiple rows), OLEDB is used for ADO. I do not use a DSN.

    Installation on a user machine is just question of making sure that the MDAC drivers are up to date and downloading the frontend.

    When the user inputs his user id and password (not required with NT authentication) and clicks OK, the login form is made invisible but the two connection strings are available to the app.

    Each time access needs to connect to the backend run the sample code e.g. for passthru:

    Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)

        Dim strSql As String

        On Error GoTo errorHandling



        strSql = "procStatsTradeTotals"

        PassThroughFixup "qryDummyPassthru", strSql, StrConnect:=Forms!frmlogin.ODBCConnect

        RecordSource = "qryDummyPassthru"



        Exit Sub


        Select Case Err.Number

        Case Else

            MsgBox Err.Number & Err.Description

        End Select

    End Sub

    Tip, I originally created a query for each separate passthru but you can actually use a single dummy passthru for every passthru query

    Public Sub PassThroughFixup( _

      strQdfName As String, _

      Optional strSql As String, _

      Optional StrConnect As String, _

      Optional fRetRecords As Boolean = True)


        ' Modifies pass-through query properties

        ' Inputs:

        '   strQdfName: Name of the query

        '   strSQL: Optional new SQL string

        '   strConnect: Optional new connect string

        '   fRetRecords: Optional setting for ReturnsRecords--

        '               defaults to True (Yes)


        Dim db As DAO.Database

        Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef


        Set db = CurrentDb

        Set qdf = db.QueryDefs(strQdfName)

        If Len(strSql) > 0 Then

            qdf.SQL = strSql

        End If

        If Len(StrConnect) > 0 Then

            qdf.Connect = StrConnect

        End If

        qdf.ReturnsRecords = fRetRecords


        Set qdf = Nothing

    End Sub

    or for ADO

    Public Sub sPopulateCompaniesMain()

        Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset

        Dim fOK As Boolean

        Dim strSql As String

        Dim strMsg As String

        On Error GoTo HandleErr

        fOK = OpenConnection()

        If fOK = False Then

            MsgBox "Unable to Connect", , _

              "Can't connect to SQL Server"

            Forms!frmlogin.Visible = True

            GoTo ExitHere

        End If

        ' Get the Company record

        Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

        rst.CursorLocation = adUseClient

        rst.Open Source:="EXEC procCustomerMainSelect2 " & _

          OrganisationID, _



        ' Display Company data in form controls

        If rst.EOF Then

            MsgBox "Record can't be found.", , _

              "Company does not exist"

            GoTo ExitHere


            'Populate main form fields

            With rst

                OrganisationName = !OrganisationName

                Address = !Address

    End With


        Exit Sub



        Select Case Err

            Case -2147467259

                'MsgBox "Connection error, please try again", vbCritical, "Connection failure"


                    If gcnn.State <> 0 Then




                        MsgBox "Connection error, please login again", vbCritical, "Connection error"

                    End If



            Case Else

                MsgBox Err & ": " & Err.Description, , "cmdLoad_Click() Error"

        End Select

        Resume ExitHere


    End Sub

    Public gcnn As ADODB.Connection

    Public Function OpenConnection() As Boolean

        ' Opens Global ADO Connection,

        '    if it isn't already open.

        ' Returns True if connected.

        ' Passes any errors back to the procedure

        '    that called this one.

        On Error GoTo HandleError

        Dim boolState As Boolean


        If gcnn Is Nothing Then

            Set gcnn = New ADODB.Connection

        End If


        If gcnn.State = adStateOpen Then

            boolState = True


            If Not IsFormOpen("frmLogin") Then

                DoCmd.OpenForm "frmLogin", WindowMode:=acDialog

            End If

            gcnn.ConnectionString = Forms!frmlogin.OLEDBConnect


            If gcnn.State = adStateOpen Then

                boolState = True


                boolState = False

            End If

        End If


        OpenConnection = boolState



        Exit Function


        OpenConnection = False

        Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, _

          Err.Description, Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext

        Resume ExitHere

    End Function


  • As far as moving tables and data over, why don't you just use SQL Server's DTS? As part of my job, I often have to convert Access databases into either SQL Server or Oracle. DTS is great for this. Another tool I use is Borland's Datapump, but it only works with Access '97.

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