Free Tools for the SQL Server DBA

  • Have put together freeware Windows GUI and command-line versions of an SQL formatting/indenting utility.

    It is ambitious in its formatting, trying to do much more than match the starts and ends of blocks - but doesn't always get it right.

    It does not yet have the source code included, just the binaries (and is written in Delphi). Planning to port it to c# and release the code as open-source next year if there is any interest in extending it.


    Pat Connors, Curious Developments

  • I like that SQL Neatener tool and will probably be using it a lot in the future. I am not looking for any changes but it might be nice for some to be able to control how the code is formatted based on their own personal or company standards.

    [font="Tahoma"]Bryant E. Byrd, BSSE MCDBA MCAD[/font]
    Business Intelligence Administrator
    MSBI Administration Blog

  • Thanks for that Bryant - and I agree that config options would be good.

    Have just posted up a minor bug fix and will keep doing so as they are found.



  • Another tool I have found to save an incredible amount of time deploying SSRS reports is the RSScripter by Jasper @ Link below:


    Ben Sullins
    Beer is my primary key...

  • My company recently launched a browser based SQL Server explorer. I think you might want to check it out. It lets you connect to and explore SQL Server version 2008, 2005 and 2000. It also has the capability to search within the database (tables, views, procedures etc.), document the database, generate reports about it.

    Please check it out at:

  • I know there's a for fee version available, but there also used to be a free version of SQL Prompt from RedGate (not sure if there still is...). It's great for those extra large databases where you just don't want to have to type all of the names of those tables or SPs... This functionality exists within SSMS 2008 - but seems very quirky so far.

  • Nice list! One thing I've been looking for forever, but never found (for free) is some tool to help manage pushing changes from development or testing servers to production servers. We seem to have a heck time keeping some things in sync between multiple development environments, and it would be nice to have something that shows you the differences and lets you manage changes.

    Is there anything that does that out in the world of free? 🙂

  • Nice list indeed! Too bad my Big Company strictly forbids free downloads of any type. Rules are made by mainframe wenies in the home office somewhere across the country.

    Nor are we allowed to spend a dime for 3rd party tools they don't approve; and they never do.

    So I have to write it myself, or do without.

    Does anybody else have this problem?

    Just wondering.

    No good deed goes unpunished.

  • I wrote a tool called sqlspec for documenting databases in SQL Server and every other DBMS of note. some people like it. 🙂

    details in my sig below.

    EDIT: this tool isn't free - it's shareware. I do offer free licenses to charites and open source software projects though, so if you work for a .org or similar and want a free license let me know.


  • I see that people are adding software that is not "free" but could be free to eval. I think we should only be listing free tools that are 100% free to use, without betas or evaluation/trial versions.

    Just my 2 cents worth 🙂


  • ok, here's another I wrote that is absolutely free and open source:

    you can use it to script out all database objects from the cmd line. it's nice to automate generation of scripts for checkin to a source control system, for example.


  • Yes I agree with Rudy Panigas. This article is about free tools for a DBA. This does not mean tools with trial versions. Please refrain from adding responses with products that are not free.

    Nice tool Jezemine. I have recently used it thanks

    David Bird

  • I would recommend SQLDeveloper by Oracle. It has the same feature set as Toad, but is completely free. It can attach to Oracle, MySQL, and SQL Server simultaneously. I personally use the Express Manager for most DBA tasks, but SQLDeveloper is FREE and covers multiple databases.

    The other nice thing is that SQLDeveloper is cross platform. I have it in Windows, on MacOS X, and Linux. It also runs well in virtual machines.


  • Jon Monahan (4/10/2008)

    I know there's a for fee version available, but there also used to be a free version of SQL Prompt from RedGate (not sure if there still is...). It's great for those extra large databases where you just don't want to have to type all of the names of those tables or SPs... This functionality exists within SSMS 2008 - but seems very quirky so far.

    I know that the new version of SQL Prompt is paid.

    Fortunately, when they had just begun with the project, they had free distribution of the software, which i have a copy of.

    If anyone wants the copy, they can let me know either directly, or guide me to a place where i can upload it, for others to download.

  • Yahoo email? Not! GMail all the way. There's not even a comparison here.

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