Free and Cool

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Free and Cool

  • I haven't seen the specs on the new Apple laptop thingy, but I just got a fancy new Toshiba Portege R500-S5001X for my CEO. It is really fast, pretty cool looking, and very portable (1" thick and 2.7lbs with an internal DVD-RW and battery). He loves it so far but I thought the touchpad buttons felt a little cheap compared to a ThinkPad. Also, at $2000 for the base model, they have it priced like an Apple.

    And it came with XP Pro.

  • The apple is 3/4 as thick at's it's thickest point. no built in DVD, but there's an external.

    I think the Apple one is cool for some people, especially journalists, like me, that don't necessarily need more than an editor, email, and web.

    The full size keyboard is very cool!

  • I saw the video of Jobs pulling the new MacBook Air out of the envelope. That was impressive. And yes, cool 😎 . The audience "oooo-ed" and "aaaahhh-ed" when he did that.

    Will it translate to commercial success? Who knows... but yeah it was a cool unveiling.

    It looks like Apple is trying to give new meaning to the term "thin client".

  • That's just too cool and I can't believe that after all these years Microsoft and other large companies can't just build something cool. Not neat, not solving a problem, but build something that's amazingly cool. That captures the imagination. The Zune is a nice step, but six months after the iPhone, why don't PCs have multi-touch?

    When you have a monopoly on many cores you don't have to stretch yourself to continue to compete...

    This was the 90s I was talking about and thus where MS loses focus.

    I use a Mac and home and always have and always's really about choice.

    In the 90s there was much choice, but with Generation Y, they look at MS and say 'No thanks'

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