formulas on OLAP cube

  • I need to create few formulas on OLAP cube

    I can create a calulated member like

    Median({[2000]},[Measures].[Avg of Time to approval])

    How ever I do not want to hard code year 2000, I want into be dynamically

    selected when I select the time interval at run time on the pivot table.

    If you guys can spend time on this i will make sure will compensate for your


    Please contact me at or call me 443-983-3133

    Good day


  • I need to create few formulas on OLAP cube

    I can create a calulated member like

    Median({[2000]},[Measures].[Avg of Time to approval])

    How ever I do not want to hard code year 2000, I want into be dynamically

    selected when I select the time interval at run time on the pivot table.

    If you guys can spend time on this i will make sure will compensate for your


    Please contact me at or call me 443-983-3133

    Good day


    Instead of {[2000]} use {[Time].currentmember}

    Edited by - Jayne Walley on 12/03/2003 10:07:38 AM

  • Thanks a lot for the answer.

  • Currentmember will impact every query no matter what level of time you are on. If you need this to always be at the year level use the following:

    Ancestor(Time.Currentmember, Year)

    Hope that helps.

    Steve Hughes

    Magenic Technologies

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