Formula For Column (Beginner Question)

  • Hello All,

    Before I get started, I want you to know I have JUST started up with SQL Server 2000 here at work so bear with me. =)

    Say I have a table called "myTable" in a database called "myDb".

    I have 3 columns in this table, named "A", "B", and "C".

    Columns "A" and "B" all have values placed there by another query that runs first.

    I would like to calculate what appears in "C" on the fly.

    If A - B < 0 I want C to equal A - B

    otherwise set C equal to 0.

    Below you'll find my code... I've tried so many different combinations of brackets and what-not and nothing seems to work. It seems to be catching up on the IF statement when I run the query analyzer thing.

    SELECT *

    FROM myDb.[myTable]

    IF [A] - < 0


    UPDATE myTable

    SET C = [A] -




    UPDATE myTable

    SET C = 0


    My hunch is that I can't use the less than operator this way because I might be "grabbing" the entire column of A and B... I want to just check the current row.

    Any assistance with this would be great appreciated.



  • Try this:

    UPDATE myDB.dbo.myTable

    SET C = CASE WHEN [A]- < 0 THEN ([A]-) ELSE 0 END

    WHERE <your conditions if any;this line is optional>

    Note that if you don't put the where clause all rows will be updated. Does that make sense?



  • Hi,

    I'll try this first thing tomorrow and I'll get back to you.

    Thanks for the repsponse!


  • You should be able to make that case statement a calculated field so that you don't need to actually update it. The field is automatically updated as soon as you update a or b.

    Something like this (Pardon, it's from memory, not on a SQL server ATM)

    CREATE TABLE dbo.MyTable(

    A int,

    B int,

    C (CASE WHEN [A]- < 0 THEN ([A]-) ELSE 0 END)


    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

    Links: How to Post Sample Data[/url] :: Running Totals[/url] :: Tally Table[/url] :: Cross Tabs/Pivots[/url] :: String Concatenation[/url]

  • Thanks for the help guys! We got it to work!


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