Forms and SQL Server 2000

  • In MS Access, it is possible to create quick forms where users can enter information into the database without having to do any programming.  Is this possible in SQL Server 2000?


  • you could link tables in access to sql tables and do the same thing you would normally do in access. there is no front end native to sql, so you need to either link the tables in access and create a form there, or create the form in another language - just do a search on linked tables in access help

  • Thanks!  So do i create the same DB structure in both Access and SQL Server as usual with normalization?

    This is all i think i need to know other than the info you just told me about Access Help files.

  • If I understood the question correctly, no, you don't create any structure in the Access. You just create an empty Access database, and instead of creating tables in it, you only link to the SQL Server tables. Based on the linked tables, you create forms as you normally would in Access. The tables are not stored in the Access, and when you modify anything (like if user makes some data input through the form), it goes directly into the SQLS tables.

    You don't have to link all tables, just those that are relevant for the functionality.

  • Thanks Vladan. I'm going to have to do some research because that makes it confusing. I don' see how Access will know what to place in the DB if it doesn't know the table structure. But maybe this will be explained when i read the help info.


  • Jacob, once you link the SQL Server tables, they show up in the list of tables along with any Access tables - they just have different icon to indicate they are linked. Also, you'll need to create an ODBC data source for SQL Server. In Access 2000 you click on the File | Get External Data | Link Tables.. menu item.

  • thanks very much guys, i will give this a try.

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