
  • Hello

    Am using the following query to determine a fiscal week. The result output is fine and i get '200843'; but i will like to format the date output to '2008-43', does anyone know how?

    drop function FiscalWeek


    create function FiscalWeek (@startMonth varchar(2), @myDate datetime)

    returns int



    declare @firstWeek datetime

    declare @weekNum int

    declare @year int

    set @year = datepart(year, @myDate)+1

    --Get 4th day of month of next year, this will always be in week 1

    set @firstWeek = convert(datetime, str(@year)+@startMonth+'04', 102)

    --Retreat to beginning of week

    set @firstWeek = dateadd(day, (-datepart(dw, @firstWeek)), @firstWeek)

    while @myDate < @firstWeek --Repeat the above steps but for previous year


    set @year = @year - 1

    set @firstWeek = convert(datetime, str(@year)+@startMonth+'04', 102)

    set @firstWeek = dateadd(day, (1-datepart(dw, @firstWeek)), @firstWeek)


    set @weekNum = (@year*100)+((datediff(day, @firstweek, @myDate)/7)+2)

    return @weekNum


  • You are using all numeric types to you won't get the result you want as 2008-43 is a character type, not a numeric.

    I'd change @WeekNum to char(7) and then when setting @WeekNum I'd do this:

    set @weekNum = Convert(Char(4), (@year*100)) + '-' + Convert(char(2), ((datediff(day, @firstweek, @myDate)/7)+2))

  • You will need to cast your return value as CHAR (or VARCHAR) if you want an embedded non-numeric character:

    [font="Courier New"]DECLARE @weekNum INT, @WeekName CHAR(7)

    SET @weekNum = 200843

    SET @WeekName = STUFF(CAST(@weekNum AS VARCHAR(7)), 5, 0, '-')

    SELECT @weekNum, @WeekName




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  • Hello Jack

    Got the following error msg:

    Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '*-43' to data type int.

  • Sorry, I was trying to figure out why you had the * 100 and now I know. You need to remove the *100. The code should be:

    set @weekNum = Convert(Char(4), @year) + '-' + Convert(char(2), ((datediff(day, @firstweek, @myDate)/7)+2))/code]

  • Hello Jack

    the year and week together (multiply year by 100 to make room for the week number and add it on) We include the year so that if the result set is more than a year in scope say 2004 - 2006 , week 5 for 2004 won't get grouped with week 5 in 2005 and 2006. And the week number is easily separated using modulus (example 200405 % 100 = 5 )

  • Stuff it...:P seriously... the STUFF solution that Chris Morris posted will do the trick just fine.

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