Formatted output

  • Sometimes my skills as a SQL parser could be a bit more...thorough.

    I missed the leading "N" in DepartmentName's definition.

    Your explanation makes great sense--now knowing that it was NVARCHAR makes all the difference.

    Thanks, Brian.

  • Ah. Another human SQL parser error. The text() as a red herring alias really worked well.

    Thanks, Raul.

  • raulggonzalez (10/29/2014)

    [text()] is a misleading alias in this case... Note that is wrapped with [square brackets]

    just run


    DepartmentName + ';' AS [text()]



    While [text()] is an alias, the specific use of "[text()]" is critical to making this work. I'm not too familiar with the details, but I believe aliasing the column as text() tells the FOR XML function to put the column contents as plain text, rather than wrapping them in an entity tag.

    Notice the difference between:

    SELECT 'abcdefg' AS [text()]

    FOR XML PATH('')

    which uses the text() function to suppress the element xml tags, compared to

    SELECT 'abcdefg' AS [text]

    FOR XML PATH('')

    which just uses the alias of "text" rather than the function name, and gets <text> tags included in the final XML.

  • Thanks for the question, though I agree that STUFF is simpler.

    I also wanted to add that if you may have odd characters in your text, you will fall foul of FOR XML expanding them.

    For example if one of the departments was 'Research & development', the output would include "& amp;" (without the space) instead of the "&" sign, which is probably not what you'd want.

    So instead of...

    -- earlier part of statement


    SELECT ...

    FOR XML PATH('')


    -- following part of statement

    ... you can use the following, which will preserve XML special characters...

    -- earlier part of statement


    SELECT ...

    FOR XML PATH(''), type

    ).value('.', 'varchar(max)')

    -- following part of statement

    Note that this works if you are using the (SELECT... FOR XML) as a column in the SELECT as in the following code, but doesn't if you are using it as a pseudo-table as in the original structure.

    So this form works...


    (SELECT ';' + DepartmentName

    FROM Department

    FOR XML PATH(''), type

    ).value('.', 'varchar(max)'), 1, 1, '')

    ... but I'm not sure of the syntax necessary to get it to work in the format of the original example (I'm missing something, probably a brain). I can get it to work with another nested SELECT but that's madness. I usually opt for the inline select-as-a-column approach.

    I got this helpful information from this blog post (grateful hat-tip)...

    Hope it helps someone.

  • The form that preserves ampersands in the approach originally used would be... (notice the required additional nested SELECT). This is also explained in the replies and responses to the blog post noted above, from which I got the original solution.


    SUBSTRING(Ms, 1, DATALENGTH(Ms) / 2 - 1)



    ( SELECT DepartmentName + ';'

    FROM Department

    FOR XML PATH(''), type

    ).value('.', 'nvarchar(100)')

    ) AS T ( Ms )

  • What a great hack! It solves a problem that I've had shelved for some time now.

    Thanks, Keith!

  • NBSteve (10/29/2014)

    raulggonzalez (10/29/2014)

    [text()] is a misleading alias in this case... Note that is wrapped with [square brackets]

    just run


    DepartmentName + ';' AS [text()]



    While [text()] is an alias, the specific use of "[text()]" is critical to making this work. I'm not too familiar with the details, but I believe aliasing the column as text() tells the FOR XML function to put the column contents as plain text, rather than wrapping them in an entity tag.

    Notice the difference between:

    SELECT 'abcdefg' AS [text()]

    FOR XML PATH('')

    which uses the text() function to suppress the element xml tags, compared to

    SELECT 'abcdefg' AS [text]

    FOR XML PATH('')

    which just uses the alias of "text" rather than the function name, and gets <text> tags included in the final XML.

    True, that's why I avoid naming the result column when combining STUFF and XML PATH('')...

    Edit: these kind of things you do and because it works you don't dig much.

    Now I was curious about it and read "Columns with the Name of an XPath Node Test" from BOL

  • Thanks for the question and the comments. I have learned a lot from both today.

  • Nice question.

    raulggonzalez (10/29/2014)

    The reason why uses DATALENGTH is because the column is DEFINED as NVARCHAR()

    Really, it doesn't matter because SQL Server stores XML data in Unicode (UTF-16)

    So FOR XML output is always NVARCHAR.

    Also note AS [text()] may be omitted just leaving expression DepartmentName + ';' with no alias. Missing expression alias prevents xml tag generation, same as Text().

  • Nice question...

  • Nice question, but why does the explanation say "first" instead of "last" when the last character is removed by SUBSTRING(Ms, 1, DATALENGTH(Ms) / 2 - 1) and the first character is not removed?


  • not just first, last too 🙂

  • Thanks for each one of you who have commented on my QotD

  • Thanks for the question. I rarely use DATALENGTH

  • +1 Thanks for the review question. I've used XML PATH('') a few times for similar purpose.

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