Formating time over 1 day

  • I have a quick quesiton

    I have a field that comes back in seconds. The users want to see this in a HH:MM:SS format. easy enough, except now they want a total of the whole report....which is greater than 1 day.

    I would really like a format of HHH:MM:SS, but I would settle for a DD:HH:MM:SS.

    The problem with the built in function is that it converts it to a datetime ( which means that pouplates the day to 1 ) even if there is less than one day of time in seconds.

    Anyone know of a standard date format that could help?


  • select

    [HHHHH:MM:SS] =





    -- Test Data

    select Seconds =(14*86400)+(13*3600)+(59*60)+14

    ) a





    (1 row(s) affected)

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