Foreign Characters problems

  • I am transitioning from several Access 2003 databases that are maxed out at almost two megs to Sql Server 2005. 

    There are some inventory items whose descriptions use foreign characters.  The one giving me most grief is Deja Vu with the "e" and "a" having little marks above each letter.  I don't have them on my keyboard but  you probably have seen them.

    These don't move over correctly. And I wouldn't mind if I just got funny stuff.  What I am getting when looking at those tables from an ODBC connection to Access is the word #deleted on each cell in the row that has one of these "deja vu" words.  And queries stop without complaint.

    I would not have even noticed except I was running a query that should have returned 18,000 records and only returned 151.  Then I could see the word "#deleted" which was an unplesant experience as I had just ported the info over. 

    Any hints or advice?

    I know that there is something called code page and these fields are set up as nvarchar which is supposed to hold the unicode characters.

    So I am missing some little detail somewhere. 

    Any hints or assistance would be appreciated.    

  • Carolyn,

    I have not experienced this exact problem before, but any time I have issues importing data from one source to another, one of the first things I check is that the data type on the source and destination are the same.  In this case nvarchar.

    Also, how are you importing this data from Access to SQL Server?  What tools are you using?



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