FOR XML PATH('') explination please

  • HI all,

    I found this code which works great and is fast.

    select Col1,

    (select col2 + ',' from @Tmp where col1 = a.col1 for xml path('')) as Detail

    from @Tmp a group by col1

    However I'm not 100% sure how it works what is the "for xml Path('')" doing?



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  • FOR XML clause generates the output in XML format and the format of the output can be controlled using AUTO, RAW, PATH and EXPLICIT.


  • ok so basically all my data is being join and return as 1 xml row?

    what exactly is the PATH('') doing?

    Try to learn something about everything and everything about something. - Thomas Henry Huxley

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  • PATH('') instructs the XML generator not to generate a parent node for each row in the result.

    This is explained in this article:


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