For XML generic list deserialize

  • So far I've been using xml types and have been serializing/deserializing generic lists and honestly it's been great. Now I'm trying to take data not in XML columns and try to deserialize in a similar way. This may be confusing, but here goes.

    I have two tables. Table1 has an ID field and Table2 joins with the ID of Table1. Table2 is just a list of integers. So I may have something like






    Table1ID=12 MyInt=3

    Table1ID=12 MyInt=4

    Table1ID=13 MyInt=3


    What I would like to do is return 2 columns from a query. The first column would be the ID from Table1 and the second column would be an XML list. So far I've been using generics, so the XML of a generic list is something like this.

    <ArrayofInt><Int> 3</Int><Int> 4</Int></ArrayofInt>

    So the result I'm looking for from a query is as follows,

    column1 = 12 column2= <ArrayofInt><Int> 3</Int><Int> 4</Int></ArrayofInt>

    column1 = 13 column2= <ArrayofInt><Int> 3</Int></ArrayofInt>...

    So what I need is to mix columns where one column is an int and the other is an xml field.

    And the xml field comes from a join on another table.

    I hope this makes sense.

  • I think my timing may be a little off here, but anyway.

    This is pretty inelegant, but it is one way...

    create table Table1 (ID int)

    insert Table1

    select 12

    union all select 13

    union all select 14

    create table Table2 (ID int, MyInt int)

    insert Table2

    select 12, 3

    union all select 12, 4

    union all select 13, 3


    CREATE FUNCTION MyIntXml(@Id int)

    RETURNS xml



    declare @x xml

    set @x = (select MyInt "text()" from Table2 where Id = @Id FOR XML PATH ('Int'))

    set @x = '<ArrayofInt>' + isnull(cast(@x as varchar(100)), '') + '</ArrayofInt>'

    RETURN @x



    select *, dbo.MyIntXml(Id) as MyIntXml from Table1

    /* results

    ID MyIntXml

    12 <ArrayofInt><Int>3</Int><Int>4</Int></ArrayofInt>

    13 <ArrayofInt><Int>3</Int></ArrayofInt>

    14 <ArrayofInt />


    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

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