• nyone can show me how to generate from this data


    Key ParentKey

    5 NULL

    25 5

    33 25

    26 5

    27 5

    34 27

    28 5

    29 5

    to this XML result?


    <record key="5" parentkey = "">

    <record key="25" parentkey = "5">

    <record key="33" parentkey = "25"></record>



    <record key="25" parentkey = "5">

    <record key="26" parentkey = "5">

    <record key="27" parentkey = "5">

    <record key="34" parentkey = "27"></record>



    <record key="28" parentkey = "5">

    <record key="29" parentkey = "5">


  • I did solve it using FOR XML EXPLICIT, but I'm not sure it's the best option here. The problem with EXPLICIT is that you need to know how many levels of parents there can be. In your example the deepest level was three, thus my solution is based on that:

    -- Create data

    create table #x



    [ParentKey] int


    insert into #x

    select 5, NULL union all

    select 25, 5 union all

    select 33, 25 union all

    select 26, 5 union all

    select 27, 5 union all

    select 34, 27 union all

    select 28, 5 union all

    select 29, 5

    -- Need to traverse the structure to get:

    -- * node-depth (named level), to be able to use EXPLICIT

    -- * a nodePath to be able to sort the rows in correct order

    ;with Records ([Key], [ParentKey], [level], nodePath)



    select [Key], ParentKey, 1, cast([Key] as varchar(max))

    from #x

    where ParentKey is null

    union all

    select x.[Key], x.ParentKey, R.level + 1, R.nodePath + '/' + cast(x.[Key] as varchar(max))

    from #x x

    inner join Records R on x.ParentKey = R.[Key]


    select [level] as Tag, [level]-1 as Parent,

    [Key] as [Record!1!Key], ISNULL(CAST(ParentKey as varchar(10)), '') as [Record!1!ParentKey],

    [Key] as [Record!2!Key], ParentKey as [Record!2!ParentKey],

    [Key] as [Record!3!Key], ParentKey as [Record!3!ParentKey]

    -- Need to add more rows here to handle more levels of parents and children

    from Records

    order by nodePath

    for xml explicit


  • good solution, but assuming the Depth/Level is infinite, creating an uncertain..

    [HierarchyKey] as [Hierarchy!2!HierarchyKey],

    ParentKey as [Hierarchy!2!ParentKey],

    [Level] as [Hierarchy!2!Level],

    [HierarchyKey] as [Hierarchy!3!HierarchyKey],

    ParentKey as [Hierarchy!3!ParentKey],

    [Level] as [Hierarchy!3!Level],

    [HierarchyKey] as [Hierarchy!4!HierarchyKey],

    ParentKey as [Hierarchy!4!ParentKey],

    [Level] as [Hierarchy!4!Level],

    [HierarchyKey] as [Hierarchy!5!HierarchyKey],

    ParentKey as [Hierarchy!5!ParentKey],

    [Level] as [Hierarchy!5!Level],

    [HierarchyKey] as [Hierarchy!6!HierarchyKey],

    ParentKey as [Hierarchy!6!ParentKey],

    [Level] as [Hierarchy!6!Level]

    etc, etc... lines of codes are definitely out. how can you handle that? I assume dynamic sql? or you jave a better idea?

  • I tried another approach - building the XML "manually" and then cast it to the XML-type:

    -- Create some test data

    create table #x


    [Key] int,

    [ParentKey] int


    insert into #x

    select 5, NULL union all

    select 25, 5 union all

    select 33, 25 union all

    select 36, 33 union all

    select 35, 25 union all

    select 26, 5 union all

    select 27, 5 union all

    select 34, 27 union all

    select 28, 5 union all

    select 29, 5

    -- Create a depth-counter: level

    ;with Records ([Key], [ParentKey], [level])



    select [Key], ParentKey, 1

    from #x

    where ParentKey is null

    union all

    select x.[Key], x.ParentKey, R.level + 1

    from #x x

    inner join Records R on x.ParentKey = R.[Key]


    select *, cast(null as varchar(max)) as myXML

    into #temp

    FROM Records

    -- loop from leaf level down to the root and create the XML node, including all child nodes

    declare @i int

    select @i = max(level) from #temp

    while (@i > 0)


    -- I use '{' and '}' instead of '<' and '>', because the latter are (for some reason)

    -- converted to '<' and '>'. This way I can easy search and replace '{' to '<'..

    update x

    set myXML = '{Record key="' + cast([Key] as varchar(10)) + '" parentkey="' + isnull(cast(ParentKey as varchar(10)), '') + '"}' +

    isnull((select isnull(myXML, '')

    from #temp y

    where [level] = @i + 1 and y.ParentKey = x.[Key]

    for xml path('')

    ), '') + '{/Record}'

    from #temp x

    where [level] = @i

    set @i = @i - 1


    -- replace characters and convert into XML

    select cast(replace(replace(myXML, '}', '>'), '{', '<') as XML)

    from #temp

    where ParentKey is null

    drop table #temp

    drop table #x

    Perhaps someone else has a more elegant solution?


  • I also found this Blog article, where the same problem is solved both by FOR XML together with XSLT and by a recursive CTE together with SQL CLR:


  • I had the same problem.

    It can be solved easily without XSL using a recursive funtion. Check the answer on this thread:

  • Nice work Michael,

    That's a simple and beautiful solution!


  • thanks a bunch, but all the honor belongs to stackoverflow user Recep who provided the solution I adapted to fit my needs

  • well your suggestions are great, i had the recursive function calls as my first solution during the research but i used this solution from Hunterwood

    ;with HierarchyTree ([HierarchyKey], [ParentKey], [Level], nodePath)







    cast([HierarchyKey] as varchar(max)) as nodePath

    from [dbo].[Hierarchy]

    where [ParentKey] is null

    union all




    H1.[Level] + 1,

    H1.nodePath + '/' + cast(H.[HierarchyKey] as varchar(max))


    [dbo].[Hierarchy] H

    inner join HierarchyTree H1 on H.ParentKey = H1.[HierarchyKey]



    [level] as Tag,

    [level]-1 as Parent,

    [HierarchyKey] as [Hierarchy!1!HierarchyKey],

    ISNULL(ParentKey, 0) as [Hierarchy!1!ParentKey],

    [Level] as [Hierarchy!1!Level],

    [HierarchyKey] as [Hierarchy!2!HierarchyKey],

    ParentKey as [Hierarchy!2!ParentKey],

    [Level] as [Hierarchy!2!Level],

    [HierarchyKey] as [Hierarchy!3!HierarchyKey],

    ParentKey as [Hierarchy!3!ParentKey],

    [Level] as [Hierarchy!3!Level],

    [HierarchyKey] as [Hierarchy!4!HierarchyKey],

    ParentKey as [Hierarchy!4!ParentKey],

    [Level] as [Hierarchy!4!Level],

    [HierarchyKey] as [Hierarchy!5!HierarchyKey],

    ParentKey as [Hierarchy!5!ParentKey],

    [Level] as [Hierarchy!5!Level],

    [HierarchyKey] as [Hierarchy!6!HierarchyKey],

    ParentKey as [Hierarchy!6!ParentKey],

    [Level] as [Hierarchy!6!Level]

    from HierarchyTree

    order by nodePath

    for xml explicit

    I weighed in the maximum depth a hierarchy could go through based on the business rules that we have and fixed the depth at maximum of 6. though it is supposed to be virtually unlimited but in the business world that's just too much...

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