For varchar(max) should i use normarl update or .write in following situation

  • Hi,

    I want to update a col , which is null initially.

    and i have to run UPDATE STMT at many places becuase it keeps error history for the row sprated by | and :

    It can be done it two way.


    CREATE TABLE #remarkT


    Remark varchar(max));


    INSERT INTO #remarkT

    VALUES (1, '');

    -- Output for controll

    SELECT * FROM #remarkT;

    UPDATE #remarkT

    SET Remark .Write(' error2: message2 , procedure2 etc|', LEN(Remark), NULL)

    WHERE ID = 1;

    SELECT * FROM #remarkT;

    DROP TABLE #remarkT;


    UPDATE #remarkT SET Remark = ISNULL(Remark,'') + 'error1: message , procedure etc|'

    WHERE ID =1

    SELECT * FROM #remarkT


    Q1) Please tel me which one is good in my situation.

    Q2) Please tel me is there any better way to accomplish it.

    Q3) It gives error if i put null in first insert stmt, so i have to put '' in insert stmt,

    but that does not matter i am ready to put empty '' initially.

    Is there any other way so that i can keep NULL initially in my col for each row IN #remarkT , except the normal update stmt.

    yours sinclerely

  • you can use the 2nd option, Varchar(MAX) can be used like regular varchar(50). no need to use Mutator "Wite()". keep it simple.

    i would suggest that to avoid the null value in the column you can use the default at the table definition. like this

    CREATE TABLE #remarkT


    Remark varchar(max) Default(''));


    hope it helps

  • thank u,

    I wanted to know , why msdn says to use it , though the excution plan shows some more task is done

    when some .write is used.

    yours sincerley

  • please share that execution plan.

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