September 30, 2011 at 3:46 pm
Since couple of days I am trying to resolve this SSIS issue but got failed. Please help me. I have a for loop in my maintenance package which should depend on a value comes from a query.
select count(*) from(Select CA.biAddressId, C.biCustomerId, C.vchCustomerFirstName, C.vchCustomerLastName
From ActiveCustomer C
join ActiveCustomerAddress CA ON C.biCustomerId=CA.biCustomerId join (select distinct biAddressId from (select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (partition by biAddressId, vchCustomerLastName order by biAddressId) AS 'RowNumber', biAddressId, C.biCustomerId, C.vchCustomerFirstName, C.vchCustomerLastName from ActiveCustomerAddress CA INNER JOIN ActiveCustomer C ON C.biCustomerID=CA.biCustomerId) A where A.RowNumber>1) SubA
ON SubA.biAddressId=CA.biAddressId) expr
I am saving this in a package variable called 'LoopLimit'. My for loop should run depending on this value so I have tried to take the counter (called 'counterloop') as below:
InitExpression: @counterloop=(DT_UI4)@LoopLimit
EvalExpression: @counterloop>0
AssignExpression: @counterloop=@counterloop - 1
But its not allowing me. Please help me in this.
October 4, 2011 at 3:37 am
What is the error?
Try == instead of =
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