Font size in Dataset editor

  • Is it possible to change the font size in the editor used in the Data tab, when editing the SQL for datasets? Us old people in the office would appreciate a larger font and I do not see how to change that in BIDS.

    Just to be clear, I am not talking about any fonts that are set in the Layout tab for any report items. This is the Data tab, in Generic Query Designer mode. Thanks.

  • Look under Tools>>Options

  • and then where? I am hopeful there is an option in there, but I do not see it.

  • In 2005, it looks like it's under Environment > Fonts and Colors and then you can choose to "Show settings for:" whichever area you'd like from the dropdown box. I'm not sure how it's laid out in any other version.

  • There are about 20 settings to choose from and I cannot find one that changes the text in the query design pane. I have changed the options I think would be related, and many others, and cannot find the correct option from the drop down box that changes any text in this view.

    Attached is a picture for the text that I would like to change. I am not sure what this area is called so I can Google or find a solution. So here is the picture. We would like to make the font larger for the SELECT statement.

  • Hi Mikeg13,

    I think I might have found the one for this, but the size option is grayed out. That was on the DataSet Designer option. 🙁

    I did find a possible work around for you, though. It requires a couple of extra clicks, but it might help until you can find another way to fix this.

    Increase the font size of the Text Editor option. Then, on the Dataset screen you show in the attached picture, click on the elipses (...) to bring up the window with your code and various options. Then click the function button (fx) next to your code and that will bring up the Text Editor window. (By the way, this will also show the larger font when you open the Text Editor window to look at/change your expressions on the Layout tab.)



  • Thanks. It is a few more clicks and not as simple, but the workaround does give the ability to enlarge the font.

    I tried the DataSet Designer options, but none of the Display Items seem to related to the text in the Generic Design Mode. At least when I made changes to the colors, it had no effect on the text. And as you point out it does not allow font size changes, which is the only font effect I want to change. 🙁

    Thanks for the details and work around. I am sure this is fixed in the next version. 😉

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