Font issue when I download report in pdf format

  • I've created a report with TradeGothic font. When I deploy the report in report manager and download it to pdf the font doesn't retain. It changes to Calibri. Any Ideas on what might be the issue with font when downloaded to pdf? The font appears good when download it to word. So the issue is just when I download it to pdf.

    Thanks in advance!

  • Trade Gothic isn't a font I have on my machine, so I assume it's non standard? This would explain why you can see it when viewing in the web portal and Word, as they use XML to display the text. They both simply state that THIS TEXT is meant to have a font of TradeGothic, and your PC gets the details of that font and displays the text in the relevant font.

    PDF files don't work like that. The font will need to be embedded into the report so that the PDF viewer can display it, even if the end user does not have it installed.

    You would therefore need to install the font on your server. have you done so? You will also likely need to complete a reboot after installation of the font, so that SSRS, and your OS, fully notices it exists.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Thanks for the reply! Yes, I did install font on the server and rebooted the server. That resolved the issue!!

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