Flat File Source Problem in SSIS

  • Hi,

    Is any one have/had problem.

    I have very simple SSIS Package. Flat file source and SQL Destination. No other transformation. Somehow I am missing few data from source. For E.g my flat file source has 987 rows, but I am getting in SQL Table 687 rows. I am not sure where I am missing those data. Is Anyone help would be great appreciate. Please let me know if my question is not clear or need more information.

    Thank You,

  • Start by adding a data viewer in the Data Flow Task, between the Flat File Source and the destination.

    Run the package in debug, if all the rows are shown in the Data viewer, then the problem is at the destination, otherwise at the source.


  • Check if any filters are there and stopping all the rows to transfer.

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    Those who understand binary, and those who don't."

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