Flat File Input Field Lengths

  • I have a tab-separated-value (TSV) input file for my SSIS package. When I point to the file to create the Flat File Source, SSIS uses a string data type (OK, I can deal with that...) and a length of 50. Well, some of the columns are bigger than 50 characters. In my data conversion step, I ignore truncation, but I'd rather the input file allow up to 255 characters.

    I went to the advanced edit for the flat file source component of the Data Flow step and changed the properties of one field I know violates the 50-character limit to 255 characters. It worked, but I got a warning that the metadata didn't match the properties sheet. Did I do this wrong? I don't want silly warnings....


  • You need to change this in the flat file connection manager (in the advanced properties), not in the flat file source.

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  • Perfect. Worked like a charm. Thanks


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