March 26, 2015 at 12:41 pm
Hello all,
I would like to encrypt my flash drive and would like comments and experiences with software encryption versus encrypted drive.
I actually got a virus while trying to research software, so I am somewhat shy about the whole thing.
This is for a personal thumb drive.
Thanks for any help.
March 26, 2015 at 3:10 pm
Quick question, are you looking for a transparent encryption? Maybe its worth while looking at the likes of Corsair Flash Padlock 2 USB flash drive
March 27, 2015 at 4:17 am
Thank you Eirikur Eiriksson, I was looking for a third party solution as I already own a drive. However your solution would be the simplest, so I will look into that.
March 27, 2015 at 6:07 am
My workplace used Bit Locker for a while.
April 9, 2015 at 5:18 am
VeraCrypt[/url] is based on TrueCrypt. I was planning on moving to it at some point in the near future the flash drive I keep on my key-chain.
April 9, 2015 at 5:42 am
Thanks everyone.
Cadavre, I will look into that for the future.
For now, I purchased a Kingston DataTraveler that is easy to use.
May 9, 2015 at 4:38 am
I have been using a Kingston DataTraveler Vault drive fro a number of years and found it to be excellent for transporting encrypted data. You can pick them up quite reasonable and they are tough as well as very reliable.
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