Fixing records after insert into table

  • I have a process that writes records to a table. There is a date field in this record and occasionally the year gets written incorrectly (one year early). For many reasons I can't touch the process inserting the records.

    Let's say a record gets written today with a date of 3/20/2007.

    On a table that has little restraints is is safe to assume that new records are always put at the end of the table.

    Where I'm going is that I could just keep a counter in a table and then any records with a count greater than that, just make the year equal to the system year.

    Would that work?

    Or, not knowing triggers very well, is there something I could do with a trigger?


  • Is the date always supposed to be the same as the system date on the date it is inserted?

  • Yes, the system date would work, but I'm not sure how to get it in the field?

  • to be a little clearer it's only the year that I have to fix in the following format



  • Exploring the trigger route...

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestTable1](

    [n] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [BadDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,



    [n] ASC



    create TRIGGER [dbo].[trg_Test1]

    ON [dbo].[TestTable1]

    for INSERT




    Declare @Year int

    Select @Year = Year(getdate())



    set BadDate = dateadd(yy,1,inserted.BadDate)

    From inserted

    INNER JOIN TestTable1 ON inserted.n = TestTable1.n and Year(inserted.BadDate) <> @Year



    insert into TestTable1(BadDate) values ('2/3/2007')

    insert into TestTable1(BadDate) values ('2/12/2008')


    Select * From TestTable1

    The inserted table is a hidden table that has the same structure as the table being updated or inserted to in the sql statement, and we can join from the inserted table to the real table on the primary key to limit our set to those just inserted and only update those records whose year value is different from the current year according to server time.

    Anyone see any issues with this?

  • Thanks, I think that is getting me close. The one question I had was does this do the date add all the time? I only need to do it if the date to be inserted is one less that the system year?

  • ... only update those records whose year value is different from the current year according to server time.

    Right now, it updates those that are different, and it only adds one. If your situation is different, then the code needs to be modified accordingl...

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