Fixed column names for Dynamic PIVOT Result

  • Hello everybody,

    I'm using two dynamic Pivot queries(which are basically the same except for the filter on date) to build a final result.

    Both dynamic Pivot produce a result with 12 columns where the first one is a nvarchar and the other 11 columns are values.

    My final result for the column names must be like the following: sta_rep,0,1,2,3....23

    See attachment for more details.

    Thank you.

  • The problem is that you are using






    JOIN Table2 on Table1.Col1=Table2.Col2

    This will result in the sta_rep column being output, as you know the Column List for both sides then you can build some Dynamic SQL to return only the desired columns

    this is a rough stab at what you need to do but it needs testing.

    DECLARE @SQL_Instruction varchar(max)

    SET @SQL_Instruction = CONVERT(varchar(max),

    'Select ##VEN_REP_TRANSPOSED.*, '






    EXEC (@SQL_Instruction)

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • Hi Jason and thanks for the reply.

    Your code is good and it works but it solves one part of the question the one that removes the sta_rep column.

    What about the second question(renaming the columns names)?

    Thank's again

  • When you build the column list you could build them with an alias in using a ROW_NUMBER() over (ORDER BY).

    Create Table #TDP_AP


    periodo varchar(10)


    Insert into #TDP_AP




    DECLARE @columnsVEN_AP_REP_Alias varchar(max)

    SET @columnsVEN_AP_REP_Alias

    = STUFF((SELECT ',['+ periodo

    +'] AS ['+CONVERT(nvarchar(50),ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY periodo))+']'

    FROM #TDP_AP FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'')

    Print @columnsVEN_AP_REP_Alias

    This way you would put the @ColumnsVEN_AP_REP in the Alias, @queryVEN_AP_REP this would then alias it on the ## table.

    Do the same on the first query and calculate an Offset to plug in to the ROW_NUMBER() on the second query and it should work a treat.

    hope that makes sense.

    Edit : removed the RIGHT('00000'+ <rn>,5) as you DONT need the Leading 0's on the columns.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • It seems a little bit complex 🙁

    anyway for the second question i'll use a different approach:

    I'll create a #temp table with the columns sta_rep,1,2,3,4...etc and than use a insert into.

    Somthing like the following:


    (sta_rep nvarchar(4) NULL,

    [1] decimal(18, 4) NULL,

    [2] decimal(18, 4) NULL,

    [3] decimal(18, 4) NULL,

    [4] decimal(18, 4) NULL,

    [5] decimal(18, 4) NULL,

    [6] decimal(18, 4) NULL,

    [7] decimal(18, 4) NULL,

    [8] decimal(18, 4) NULL,

    [9] decimal(18, 4) NULL,

    [10] decimal(18, 4) NULL,

    [11] decimal(18, 4) NULL,

    [12] decimal(18, 4) NULL,

    [13] decimal(18, 4) NULL,

    [14] decimal(18, 4) NULL,

    [15] decimal(18, 4) NULL,

    [16] decimal(18, 4) NULL,

    [17] decimal(18, 4) NULL,

    [18] decimal(18, 4) NULL,

    [19] decimal(18, 4) NULL,

    [20] decimal(18, 4) NULL,

    [21] decimal(18, 4) NULL,

    [22] decimal(18, 4) NULL,

    [23] decimal(18, 4) NULL,

    [24] decimal(18, 4) NULL



    SELECT * FROM ##myresult;

    I understand that doing of the table it's resource consuming but in my case the result will have less than 200 rows so this is not a problem.

    Thank's again Jason.

  • No problem, Its what ever is best for your environment and organisation.

    The problem with the table is that you stated it was for a dynamic, number of columns so by creating a flat table you're introducing a limiting factor.

    You also still have the problem of numbering.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • The number of columns is fixed, the names of the columns are changing for every query.

    Thanks again Jason,

    Have a nice day.

  • Sorry my misunderstanding about the columns.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • No problem Jason :smooooth:

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