Fix Index Naming

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Fix Index Naming

  • I think some of the functions used within the script are missing from the script. Hopefully these can be linked too.

  • Did you download the install script from below. or did you copy the sql code. I tried both install scripts on a server, and none of them failed with missing table value functions

    -- -- # IMPORTANT!!!

    -- #

    -- # Because of the rather lengthy install script, I am only showing the

    -- # script for display. It won't install, because of missing table value

    -- # functions. The version I have shown is the 2008 version

    -- #

    -- # You can download a complete install script here.

    -- # 2005 version -

    -- # 2008 version -

  • Thanks, I had copied the SQL from the webpage and I didn't see those links earlier, thanks 🙂

  • Hi Michael,

    These scripts have been invaluable to me in the past. I am trying to use them for the first time in a couple of years, and I am running into an odd error when it tries to rename :

    Object '[dbo].[dtproperties].[pk_dtproperties]' does not exist or is not a valid object for this operation.

    I think the problem is that it is trying to rename the PK for dtproperties, which is otherwise considered a system table despite being in the dbo schema:

    EXECUTE sp_rename '[dbo].[dtproperties].[pk_dtproperties]','PK_dtproperties_a', 'index'

    Have idea?

    I tried to see if it was a system-level data modification that was being blocked, as well, by modifying this config setting:

    sp_configure 'allow updates', 1


    ... which didn't work.

    Also, would be for taking patches?

    I think in this case there is a bug, where you should exclude tables matching the following queries:

    select * from sys.tables t where t.is_ms_shipped = 1

    select * from sys.key_constraints kc where kc.is_ms_shipped = 1

    What I would really love is two features:

  • An Exclude FilterExpression to complement the (Include) FilterExpression
  • Ability to resolve name clashes using uniqueidentifier
  • For the latter example, I imagine the code looking like this internally:

    DECLARE @UniqueID uniqueidentifier = NEWID();

    DECLARE @TempRenameCommand nvarchar(max);

    DECLARE @FinalRenameCommand nvarchar(max);

    SET @TempRenameCommand = 'sp_rename ''[dbo].[dtproperties].[pk_dtproperties]'',''PK_dtproperties_' + CAST(@UniqueID as nvarchar(50)) + ''', ''index''';

    --EXECUTE @TempRenameCommand

    SET @FinalRenameCommand = 'sp_rename ''[dbo].[dtproperties].PK_dtproperties_' + CAST(@UniqueID as nvarchar(50)) + ''',''PK_dtproperties'', ''index''';

    --EXECUTE @FinalRenameCommand

    --EXECUTE sp_rename '[dbo].[dtproperties].[pk_dtproperties]','PK_dtproperties', 'index'

    print @TempRenameCommand;

    print @FinalRenameCommand;

    I'll make two offers here:

  • Permission to fork your code and re-license it and put it on GitHub for others
  • Buy you a beer via PayPal and have you make these changes for me
  • Either one works for me!

  • Here are my patches:

  • If there are multiple covering indices on the same table column, then multiple runs of spFixIndexNaming will spuriously flip back and forth between the two.
  • Uniquifier = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY NewName ORDER BY SchemaName, OldName, NewName)

    Note I added OldName, in order to prevent spurious flipping back and forth.

    Test parameter:


  • Ignore any IsMsShipped tables: OBJECTPROPERTY(object_id, 'IsMSShipped') = 1
  • FROM

    sys.indexes i

    JOIN sys.tables t ON

    i.object_id = t.object_id AND

    i.type_desc IN ('CLUSTERED', 'NONCLUSTERED', 'XML', 'SPATIAL')

    AND t.is_ms_shipped = 0

    Note I added AND t.is_ms_shipped = 0 to exclude IsMsShipped objects.

  • Thanks for another good script.

  • What would be the possible naming convention for a Filtered Index?
    FNCI !!


    Human Knowledge Belongs To The World !!

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