September 11, 2020 at 12:55 pm
Oops, I appear to have removed Sergiy's comment about Easter 2021 as being a holiday! I meant to hit Quote not Report!
In response, Easter 2012 might be a holiday where you are, but not here. We work & trade 24/7, 365 days a year. We are a website.
Dave J
September 11, 2020 at 1:10 pm
Oops, I appear to have removed Sergiy's comment about Easter 2021 as being a holiday! I meant to hit Quote not Report!
In response, Easter 2012 might be a holiday where you are, but not here. We work & trade 24/7, 365 days a year. We are a website.
Dave J
no worries. I almost reported someone's posts 2 times myself. Really tricky placement of the buttons.
on the point - if you work 24/7 every day - why does you working month starts on Monday?
Code for TallyGenerator
September 11, 2020 at 1:44 pm
It's a good question. I don't get to decide, the business do. The rules are arbitrary so I have to use a fixed table, in fact several. This (table calendar445) gives me a base to update the various tables that we use to report from. 53 week years are the bane of my life as we have year on year reports used by the top brass that compare this week's performance with the same week last year. As well as this time last week, last month etc. I'm away from my PC right now but I'll post the definition of my main calendar table with the insane logic we wrote to handle this tomorrow. We use this in powerBI reports.
Stay safe & all that jazz
Dave J
did you show those business people the insanity of those steps you have to take to observe those arbitrary rules?
And whar for?
Banks still observe bank holidays, deliveries are not happen over Christmas, tax reports have to be generated on the dates defined by Gregorian calendar, not any form of 4/4/5 one.
looking back at the starting post - after all you still need to find out the first Monday of a month by Gregorian calendar. So, what's the point?
Code for TallyGenerator
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