Firing stored procedures simultaneously (in parallel) from a calling stored procedure

  • Hi folks,

    I need to execute a series of ranked SPROC from a calling Sproc. Can anyone please help point me in the right direction.

    I am running a SQL Server 2000. I have a table called Ranking defined as;

    CREATE TABLE dbo.Ranking







    Sample data in this table:

    Row_ID Cust_ID Rank_ID SPName

    1 1 1 SP1

    2 1 2 SP2

    3 1 3 SP3

    4 1 4 SP4

    5 1 5 SP5

    6 2 1 SPxx

    7 2 2 SPxy

    8 3 1 SPbbbb

    9 4 1 SP13

    Each SPROC receives the same input/output parameters and RETURN an INT value.

    I want to call all the SPROCs for a given Cust_ID in their ranking order from a calling stored proc (accepts a cust_id input parameter) simultaneously and be able to:

    a) determine when they have all run

    b) interogate their respective RETURN value and make decisions based on the latter.

    Thanking you in advance for your help.

  • Try using this procedure.  I just wote it and didn't even check for syntax but you should get the ides.

    CREATE PROCEDURE usp_ExecuteMyProc

        (@ProcedureName       varchar(256)

        ,@Parameter1          varchar(1000) -- Use as manu parameters as required

        ,@Parameter2          int           -- Name them appropriately

        ,@Parameter3          smallint      -- usint the appropriate variable type

        ,@Parameter4          varchar(1000)



    DECLARE @sql              varchar(2000)

    DECLARE @NSQL             nvarchar(1000)

    DECLARE @Rtn              int


    --  Create a local temporary table

        CREATE TABLE #RtnCode

            (Rtn         int)

    --  Build Dynamic SQL based on the passed parameters

    --  Placing the return value in the local temporary table

        SET @sql = ''

        SET @sql = @sql + 'DECLARE @Rtn int'

        SET @sql = @sql + 'EXECUTE @Rtn = ' + @ProcedureName

        SET @sql = @sql + ' '''  + @Parameter1 + ''''

        SET @sql = @sql + ', '   + CAST(@Parameter2 as varchar)

        SET @sql = @sql + ', '   + CAST(@Parameter3 as varchar)

        SET @sql = @sql + ', ''' + @Parameter4 + ''''

        SET @sql = @sql + ' '

        SET @sql = @sql + 'INSERT INTO #RtnCode(Rtn) VALUES (@Rtn)'

        SET @NSQL = CAST(@SQL as nvarchar(1000))

    --  Execute the dynamic SQL

        EXECUTE sp_ExecuteSQL

    --  Retrieve the return value

        SET @Rtn = (SELECT Rtn FROM #RtnCode)

    --  Cleanup

        DROP TABLE #RtnCode

    --  Return the return value

        RETURN @Rtn


  • Thanks srankin for your reply. But this solution will run each SPROC for a given customer in turn and not run all SProc at the same time.

    Ex: Cust_ID 1 has 5 SPROC (SP1,SP2,SP3,SP4,SP5) and we want to fire each of these "at the same time" without waiting for a result (return value).

    However, the return value from each sproc will be used in a "decision tree" according to the ranking (as if they were run under different SPID).

  • A quick and dirty solution: fire them out of the SQL Server agent. There you can define the same execution start time so their will fire (more or less) at the same time.

    An other solution is to write a multi threading (exeternal) application which will fire those SPs


  • You could create a package that has the seperate stored procedures as a seperate SQL task.  The default for concurrency is 4, but you can change it.

    It is possible to start a package from a stored procedure and pass parameters from the starting stored procedure to the package and all the stored procedures within the package by using global parameters.

    Have a look at

    to see how its done.


  • I have similar problem:

    I have 1 procedure which I/users will run from the QA, but I need to execute it simultaneously with different params - just to save time...

    If I do as bellow - is it going to execute them in parallel or is going to wait for the first one to finish and then start the second?

    create procedure execute_my_proc as

    exec my_test (param1, param2)

    exec my_test (param3, param4)


    exec my_test (param13, param14).


    Except that - every time the proc runs, it prints the output, which I need to save to a file or at least to review for errors?

    How the output will look? Am I going to lose the previous ones?

    Thanks a lot,mj

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