firehose mode

  • Please give me a solution for the below specified problem

    Am creating a database application using VB 6.0, I am using the Begin and Commit transaction. While executing the connection.BeginTrans statement, it throwing an error “transaction can not start while in firehose mode”. While we removed the begin Trans and commit Trans statements the program executing with out any error.

  • Make sure there is nothing pending on the connection, ie open recordset or use a separate connection

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  • The error actually  said "firehose mode"?  Wow!  So many jokes, so little brain...

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • connection.BeginTrans()  switches your connection to "implicit transactions" !!

    Everything you do on that connection will automatic start a new transaction, unless there is allready one. This means you'll have to use commit/rollback to start with a "clean" set.

    Because we don't want long transactions, we advise to use a sqlcmd with the "begin transaction" sql-statement and afterward use commit/rollback in that transaction.

    A connection.CommitTrans()  or .rollbacktrans does not reset the "implicit transactions"-setting for the connection !!!



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  • I use exactly the same technique with VB 6 and SQL Server 2005 and it is funny but I have never seen this kind of error (although I have a collection of plenty other unexplainable ones...)

    basically every time I want to modify more than one record or table in the DB I begin the transaction using ADO Begintrans method and I immediately commit or rollback

  • Hi All,

    Thank you very much. I will check my code and close if there is any open recordset exists.

    Thanks and Regards


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