April 21, 2009 at 5:58 am
This is really minor, but sometimes SSC is a bit slow for me.
I've been trying to eek out a bit more performance on SSC by turning off images in my browser(Firefox 3.08 specifically, since Internet Explorer 6 /7 works just fine with images off) Disabling images makes the Recent posts and any topic return much faster, as there's no wait for some of the images.
the problem is, Only in FireFox, if the images are not visible, the link that is under the images are either not visible, or do not postback to the web page correctly so that it opens a reply dialog.
to duplicate the issue: turn off images in FireFox, go to the details of any thread, and try to hit one of the reply links in the upper right (the ones under the post are not visible at all)
in Internet Explorer, the image kind of has a placeholder, and is clickable with no issues:
April 21, 2009 at 8:48 am
Interesting behavior. I'm not sure what we can do here in the short term, but I'll log this as a bug.
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