Finding the sum of date difference of a tricky situation using sql

  • Hi,

    I have the following sample table:

    cust_num inv_num type inv_date due_date diiference

    c000101 A01 I 6/10/10 6/15/10

    c000101 A01 P 6/25/10 10

    c000101 A02 I 5/10/10 6/10/10

    C000101 A02 P 6/15/10 5

    Thus the difference is the inv_date - due_date corresponding to a customer having the same inv_num and inv_date is the payment date and due_date is the invoice date.

    The total days late is 10 + 5 = 15 for this customer.

    However the above is going to be a part of a table value function. Hence the sum need to be calculated as a single valued number corresponing to this customer.

    Is there any way to do this. I appreciate any help.

  • Your verbal description is not really telling me what you're trying to do.

    Please provide table def, sample data, expected result and what you've tried so far in a ready to use format as described in the first link referenced in my signature. The benfit you'll get is a tested version... 😉

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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  • OK,

    Here is the sample table and script and at the botton I am trying to do what I am trying to explain. If this does not help please let me know. I will try my best any further confusion. I appreciate your help.

    create table mytable


    cust_num varchar(50),

    inv_num varchar(50),

    type char(1),

    inv_date datetime,

    due_date datetime,

    dayslate int


    select * from mytable

    update mytable

    set due_date = null

    where type = 'P'

    insert into mytable

    (cust_num, inv_num, type, inv_date, due_date, dayslate)

    select 'c000101', 'A01', 'I', '6/10/10', '6/15/10', '' union all

    select 'c000101', 'A01', 'P', '6/25/10', '', 10 union all

    select 'c000101', 'A02', 'I', '5/10/10', '6/10/10', '' union all

    select 'c000101', 'A02', 'P', '6/15/10', '', 5

    update mytable

    set due_date = null

    where type = 'P'

    declare @totaldayslate int,

    @cust_num varchar(50)

    select @cust_num = 'c00101'

    select @totaldayslate = Sum(Datediff(day, b.inv_date, a.due_date)) from mytable a

    where a.type = 'I' and a.cust_num = 'c000101'

    and 1 = (select 1 from mytable b

    where a.cust_num = b.cust_num

    and a.inv_num = b.inv_num

    and b.type = 'P')

  • Based on your sample data, wouldn't it simply be

    SELECT cust_num, SUM(dayslate) AS res

    FROM mytable

    WHERE [TYPE]='P'

    GROUP BY cust_num

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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