Finding strings with invalid characters

  • If there is a post with a solution, please direct me to it, otherwise I've not been able to find a solution to this item.

    Within a Select, can the following list of valid characters be looked in a string and any containing a character outside this set be reported?


  • Try this, maybe?

    If len(string) > len(processed string)

    you know that 'string' contained 'invalid' characters.

    • This reply was modified 12 months ago by  Phil Parkin.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • That old function could use an updating imo.  As this is the 2022 topic GENERATE_SERIES and STRING_AGG are available.  Also, not to say it's incorrect but it seems suboptimal imo the outer SELECT FOR XML does not include an ORDER BY clause.

    The PATINDEX function takes 2 parameters as arguments: 1) pattern, and 2) string, and returns the integer offset position of a pattern match.  In order to search every character in the string the pattern uses the wildcard symbol '%' in the first and last positions, '%_%'.  The hat symbol '^' is the logical negator, i.e. "not in ...".  The full search pattern '%[^a-zA-Z0-9+-/]%' looks for any character NOT IN a-z, A-Z, 0-9, +, -, or /

    For this question the OP seemingly only needs "... any [string] containing a character outside this set be reported"  Minimally, the SIGN function could return 1/0 for true/false.  Alternately, there's IIF or CASE WHEN

    select sign(patindex('%[^a-zA-Z0-9+-/]%', v.string)) is_invalid
    from (values ('Space Here'),
    ('normal')) v(string);

    /* equivalent w/IIF */
    select iif(patindex('%[^a-zA-Z0-9+-/]%', v.string)>0, 1, 0) is_invalid
    from (values ('Space Here'),
    ('normal')) v(string);

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