Finding NULL values

  • Hi All,

    I have to find NULL values anywhere in the table, If i found any single NULL value in that table, i have to stop the process. Say for example,

    drop table #tmp


    Create table #tmp


    eno int,

    ename varchar(25),

    Age int null



    insert into #tmp

    select 1,'Karthik',26

    union all

    select 2,'Keyan',Null

    union all

    select 3,'Ravi',34


    How should i find NULL value ?


  • Do you want to report back the "null" record(s) or just that a null exists somewhere in the table?

    - Nate

  • Karthick,

    1. what are you planning to do once you've found a null and stopped "the process"?

    2. what is the process for? Is it for finding nulls?

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  • Is the whole point to remove nulls? If so you need to change the columns so that they do not allow nulls. Finding nulls is easy:






    eno is null OR

    ename is null OR

    age is null

  • Karthick,

    1. what are you planning to do once you've found a null and stopped "the process"?

    2. what is the process for? Is it for finding nulls?

    1. Say for example, if any employee has NULL values then i have to raise an error message like 'Data Unavailable for Employee(S) - ' (Employee id's) - one or more. It depends.

    2. No. It is not for finding NULL values. Actually i am doing some calculation based on the column values.

    Say for example,

    EID Ename One_Yr_Gross Two_Yr_Gross Three_Yr_Gross

    1 Karthik 45533 24242 343434

    2 Raju 87878 Null 767667

    If you take ID 2, It has NULL value on Two_yr_Gross column. So i shouldn't do any calculation for that employee(s).


  • And... I have to throw an error message to enduser like 'Upload the correct data into ...'


  • Is the whole point to remove nulls? If so you need to change the columns so that they do not allow nulls. Finding nulls is easy:






    eno is null OR

    ename is null OR

    age is null


    Exactly ! you are correct.I also used the same logic.

    But i am thinking, will it leads to any performance related issue in the future ?

    Becuase i am using some test data's right now.

    But in future, the table data should increase. what do you think ?


  • I still think the right thing to do is to find the nulls, fix them, and then do not allow nulls in any of the columns you are checking.

    How are planning on returning the data? Will you always be returning a single row or will you be returning multiple rows?

    If you are returning one row then you can do it in SQL with an IF Exist(Select From table where column is null or column is null...) then RaisError Else return data) of course your performance will deteriorate with the OR's.

    If you are returing multiple rows then I think you should do this type of check in the UI as you would have to check the data row by row (RBAR) which is better suited for the UI,.

  • Jack,

    Thanks for your suggestion. Is there any other workaround to check the NULL values (Apart from OR method) ?

    Note: My manager said that we should not change the Table structure. We need to do this kind of validation only.


  • The only way I know other than OR'ing is a different select for each column like:

    Select A from table where A is null

    Select b from table where B is null


    I still think you should do this type of check in the UI. Return all your rows and then check for the nulls in the UI and produce the error.

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