Finding New Years Eve

  • Thanks, Hugo, for the correction. I like to think, however, that you'd agree that Michael V Jones's code above would be a bit more clear. Your two literal dates aren't particularly special; they are simply the 31st of a month and the 1st of the next. Thus using a mid-year date from thirty years ago as a starting point works as well: SELECT dateadd(month, datediff(month, '19830801', getdate()), '19830731'); Of course, I'd not want to see this as is in production code, but since we're in QOTD land, a bit of obfuscation is valid, right?

  • Hugo Kornelis (1/2/2013)

    john.arnott (1/2/2013)


    Just testing to see if we're reading carefully? 😉

    Looks as though your option 2 is screwed up somehow, returning dates years off.

    SELECT dateadd(month, datediff(month, getdate(), '20110101'), '20101231');

    ..... returns 2008-12-31 00:00:00.000

    Aarrgghh!!! I know I have the habit of reversing the two arguments to the DATEDIFF function, which is why I *almost* always test it before posting. *almost* :Whistling:

    Here is the correct code:

    SELECT dateadd(month, datediff(month, '20110101', getdate()), '20101231');

    (And Tom's correction is incorrect, though it does incidentally return the last day of the previous month in January 2013 only).

    Argghh! You want it to work next year as well as this???

    I never thought of that!

    I suppose I should have - the question doesn't say "this January".

    But it does say "January" - but I won't waste time on finding a version that works only in January (although that would be easy enough) so I could claim that that was a better answer than yours (because it wouldn't be).


  • john.arnott (1/2/2013)

    Thanks, Hugo, for the correction. I like to think, however, that you'd agree that Michael V Jones's code above would be a bit more clear. Your two literal dates aren't particularly special; they are simply the 31st of a month and the 1st of the next. Thus using a mid-year date from thirty years ago as a starting point works as well: SELECT dateadd(month, datediff(month, '19830801', getdate()), '19830731'); Of course, I'd not want to see this as is in production code, but since we're in QOTD land, a bit of obfuscation is valid, right?

    You are right that any two dates would do (as long as you make sure to use the last day of a 31-day month and the next day, otherwise your code will be buggy). When posting this solution, I often deliberately use a date a few years back, to emphasize this point. If I would use the current date in my example, some readers would think they need to change the code every year.

    I do not agree that Michael V Jones's code is more clear. It uses an integer as an argument to a function that accepts date or datetime data only, so it relies on implicit conversion, in this case from int to datetime (the integer value -1 will convert to the datetime value 1899-12-31T0:00:00, and the reason Michael's code works is that this is the 31st day of a month).

    If you want easier to understand code, I would take a two-step approach - first truncating to the first of the month, then subtracting a day.

    -- First step: Truncate current date to the start of the month

    -- The date '20000101' below is a base date; any other first of a month can be used

    DECLARE @StartOfMonth datetime = DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, '20000101', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), '20000101');

    -- Subtract one day to get last day of previous month

    SELECT DATEADD(day, -1, @StartOfMonth);

    (And yes, 20000101 is yet another more or less randomly chosen base date. I used to use 19000101 here -it seemed appropriate to use the base date-, but stopped doing that when I wanted to use the same technique to truncate to other time units, such as the last full day, year, minute, or second - when using this technique with seconds, you get an integer overflow, and using a more recent base date avoids that).

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
    Visit my SQL Server blog:
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  • L' Eomot Inversé (1/2/2013)

    Argghh! You want it to work next year as well as this???

    I had in fact broadened the topic to describing methods I would suggest for finding the last day of the previous month at any time in any year.

    For a method to find "last New Year's Eve" that works correctly in 2013 only, my suggested code would be

    SELECT CAST('20121231' AS datetime);

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
    Visit my SQL Server blog:
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  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (1/1/2013)

    Parens corrected, and my apologies. I changed to question to exclude Jan 31, this that doesn't work.

    Happy New Year.

    I'll award back points tomorrow.

    Hi Steve and Happy New Year!

    We are waiting also for points awarded back for the qotd of 24th december of Hugo Kornelis.

  • Hugo Kornelis (1/3/2013)

    For a method to find "last New Year's Eve" that works correctly in 2013 only, my suggested code would be

    SELECT CAST('20121231' AS datetime);


  • Hugo Kornelis (1/3/2013)


    (And yes, 20000101 is yet another more or less randomly chosen base date. I used to use 19000101 here -it seemed appropriate to use the base date-, but stopped doing that when I wanted to use the same technique to truncate to other time units, such as the last full day, year, minute, or second - when using this technique with seconds, you get an integer overflow, and using a more recent base date avoids that).


    Thanks for opening my eyes. Michael's code looked very clear to me, but I realize now that it's only because it followed a familiar pattern, just using -1 rather than a 0 as a base date for the DATEADD()/DATEDIFF() conversion, and not because it truly is clear. Using something obviously recognizable as a date is an improvement. And thanks again for your parenthetical about using '20000101' instead of '19000101' or 0. I'd actually seen that overflow when I got down to seconds while playing around with the technique, and thought "Oh, well. Doesn't work there." Of course, now I have to go back and put that into my working-with-dates cheat sheet of code snippets.

  • happy new year:)

  • Thanks Steve for the easy points and happy new year to you all!

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  • Thanks Steve for the question.

    Thought I'd throw this in just for fun. Should work for every day of the year:


  • Or, since Nigel has led us outside the box....

    Select convert(datetime, rtrim(Datepart(year,getdate())-1)+'-12-31')

    Yeah, I cheat by using rtrim() as a quickly coded forced conversion to a string.

  • nigel. (1/4/2013)

    Thanks Steve for the question.

    Thought I'd throw this in just for fun. Should work for every day of the year:


    The only problem with that is, since getdate() returns a datetime[2]*, you're actually returning some time during the day on New Years Eve rather than the day of New Years Eve itself.

    Of course, as of SQL2008R2, this still works:

    SELECT cast(cast(GETDATE() as int)-DATEPART(dayofyear,getdate())-1 as datetime)

    If you have SQL 2008 or higher and want to avoid questionable conversions, you could just modify your code thus:


    *depending on your SQL Server version

  • sknox (1/4/2013)

    nigel. (1/4/2013)

    Thanks Steve for the question.

    Thought I'd throw this in just for fun. Should work for every day of the year:


    The only problem with that is, since getdate() returns a datetime[2]*, you're actually returning some time during the day on New Years Eve rather than the day of New Years Eve itself.


    Very good point. How about this one:

    SELECT DATEADD(year,DATEDIFF(YEAR,'19001231',GETDATE())-1,'19001231')

  • Whilst others are being picky I thought I would add my bit.

    None of the answers are right

    When is New Years Eve anyway?

    If its January 9th (as it is today) then New years eve this year will be 31-12-2013.

    31-12-2012 was new years eve LAST YEAR

    Very picky I know but I think technically correct


    David Bridge
    David Bridge Technology Limited

  • (1/9/2013)

    When is New Years Eve anyway?

    February 9th 😉

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