Finding long running SQL Agent Jobs

  • I'm trying to write a process that will determine if there are any jobs that have run longer that 12 hours.  Now I can determine all the jobs running by issuing the following command:

    sp_help_job @execution_status=0

    But what I am having a hard time doing is finding an easy way to determine when the jobs identified by the above command actually started.  I have found a kludge-of-a-way by converting the job_id into a character representation and then searching the sysprocesses table looking at records where the program_name is like the job_id. 


    I'm guessing someone on the forum must have an easier way to identify the start time of an existing running job, programatically. 

    Gregory A. Larsen, MVP

  • The MSDB Database contains history about every job. Haven't got time to find out which system table it is in, but have a look in MSDB and try and suss it out.

    Kindest Regards,

  • I've looked at all the MSDB tables, and don't seem to see any table that tracks running jobs.  Of course there is a sysjobhistory table but information does not appear in here until at least one step has completed.  So basically if you have a long running single step job you can't find any information in this table. 

    Now I could have easily overlooked something, so if you can give me a little more specific information regarding which table you think might contain information on currently running jobs then that would be great.

    Gregory A. Larsen, MVP

  • Greg,

    The sysjobhistory Table is the one however I see now what you are trying to do! Thats right this table is history only and until a step has completed you won't see info in there.

    I would find out what the lobg running jobs are by doing an sp_who. With this you should be able to find out which jobs are running longer than normal. failing that, try using SQL Profiler for more detailed information.

    Kindest Regards,

  • Please explain more.  I'm not quite sure how you get from sp_who to determining how long a job is running.

    Gregory A. Larsen, MVP

  • Greg, I just had a similar need and ran across a post by Louis See1 that referenced sp_get_composite_job_info (which is called by sp_help_job).

    I modified this sp slightly by adding a where clause to the final select to get jobs that are not idle and added a parameter to check to see if a specific job is running.  (Use with caution: comments in the sp say it is only intended to be called by sp_help_job)

    I then put this in a job that runs after the time when the job to be monitored should have ended.  This could be done with multiple jobs.  In my case I really just needed to know if one job was still running at a particular time and page me if it is running.

    However, I contemplated expanding this to track any long running jobs by inserting this data into a table that could be checked periodically.

    Here's the concept:

    You would need to add a datetime field to the final select statement in the sp, using getdate() at time of insert.  This isn't the start time, but a baseline time to compare against later.

    Within sp, modify the final select statement to insert into a tmpJobs_table as well as insert to a jobs_table where not in (select name from jobs_table).  Then delete from jobs_table where not in tmpjobs_table.  So, each time you run the sp, any running jobs not already in the jobs_table are inserted and any job no longer running is deleted.

    Set up a job that runs every half hour (or whatever is appropriate) with these steps:

    1. exec sp_get_composite_job_info_MODIFIED  -- which updates the running jobs_table

    2. if exists (SELECT * FROM jobs_table where datediff(hh,datetime_field, getdate())>12 ) raiserror('Job running too long.',16,1)


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