finding duplicates... help needed

  • I can't publish real data here, for obvious reasons. I don't think multiple names makes the difference. This is what I am getting:

    Duck J Donald 999999999

    Duck J Donald 999999991

    Duck J Donald 999999999

    And, this is what I want to get:

    Duck J Donald 999999999

    Duck J Donald 999999991

    I believe I can get there just by eliminating duplicates, but correct me if I'm wrong.


  • marius.draganescu (8/22/2008)

    I can't publish real data here, for obvious reasons. I don't think multiple names makes the difference. This is what I am getting:

    Duck J Donald 999999999

    Duck J Donald 999999991

    Duck J Donald 999999999

    And, this is what I want to get:

    Duck J Donald 999999999

    Duck J Donald 999999991

    I believe I can get there just by eliminating duplicates, but correct me if I'm wrong.


    you are trying to return distinct rows so this would do the trick for you

    SELECT distinct a.[Short_Last_Name], a.[Short_First_Name], a.[Middle_Initial], a.[Tax_ID_Number]

    FROM [dbo].[CIS_Acct_Name] a


    (SELECT Short_Last_Name, Short_First_Name, Middle_Initial, COUNT(DISTINCT Tax_ID_Number) AS CountSSN

    FROM [dbo].[CIS_Acct_Name] b GROUP BY Short_Last_Name, Short_First_Name, Middle_Initial

    HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT Tax_ID_Number) > 1) AS Dup

    ON a.[Short_Last_Name] = Dup.Short_Last_Name AND a.[Short_First_Name] = Dup.Short_First_Name

    AND a.[Middle_Initial] = Dup.Middle_Initial WHERE [TAX_ID_Number] <> '0'

    ORDER BY Short_Last_Name, Short_First_Name


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • I will try this out Monday and I will let you know how it works. Many thanks!!!

  • marius.draganescu (8/23/2008)

    I will try this out Monday and I will let you know how it works. Many thanks!!!

    no problem, table aliasing also helps to compact\tidy your code a little (dont have to keep re typing those long table identifiers 😉 )


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Use This Query to Find Duplicate Rows

    Select * from Person

    Where Exists(Select 1 from Person A

    WHERE Person.FirstName = A.FirstName

    ANd Person.LastName = A.LastName

    Group BY A.FirstName , A.LastName

    Having Count(1)>1)

  • Perry,

    It looks like this is it!! It is working...

    can you recommend a book/ website/ anything else I could use to learn the more complex TSQL from? I do have a programing background but on this occasion I found out that working with a set of rows is quite different...

    Thanks again!

  • If you are looking for distinct rows (based on the sample data), why the joins, group bys, and having count(*) > 1? I'd think the following would work just as well.

    create table #TempTable (

    FirstName varchar(25),

    MiddleInit char(1),

    LastName varchar(25),

    TaxID varchar(20)


    insert into #TempTable

    select 'Duck','J','Donald',999999999 union all

    select 'Duck','J','Donald',999999991 union all

    select 'Duck','J','Donald',999999999;







    #TempTable; -- show all records in the table

    select distinct






    #TempTable; -- show distinct records in the table

    drop table #TempTable;


  • Lynn,

    It's not all the "distinct" records I need to return, it is all records with a duplicate SSN that I am interested in. I tried the query, and it returns everything, for example:

    Donald Duck 111111111 (valid)

    Donald Duck 222222222 (valid)

    Huey Duck 333333333 (distinct record, but I don't want it here,



  • marius.draganescu (8/25/2008)


    It's not all the "distinct" records I need to return, it is all records with a duplicate SSN that I am interested in. I tried the query, and it returns everything, for example:

    Donald Duck 111111111 (valid)

    Donald Duck 222222222 (valid)

    Huey Duck 333333333 (distinct record, but I don't want it here,



    Okay, that is what I was asking you in this post but your sample data did not make that clear to me until this last post.


  • marius.draganescu (8/25/2008)


    It looks like this is it!! It is working...

    can you recommend a book/ website/ anything else I could use to learn the more complex TSQL from? I do have a programing background but on this occasion I found out that working with a set of rows is quite different...

    Thanks again!

    your welcome, glad to help. There are literally hundreds of books available McGraw Hill, O Reilly and Wrox tend to be my favourite publishers


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Lynn Pettis (8/25/2008)

    why the joins, group bys, and having count(*) &gt

    the group by would be required for the count function i think


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Perry Whittle (8/25/2008)

    Lynn Pettis (8/25/2008)

    why the joins, group bys, and having count(*) &gt

    the group by would be required for the count function i think

    True, but my knowledge of the problem domain was limited by the information provided. With OP's last post, my understanding was enhanced and the solution provided previously then made sense.


  • Lynn Pettis (8/25/2008)

    True, but my knowledge of the problem domain was limited by the information provided. With OP's last post, my understanding was enhanced and the solution provided previously then made sense.


    quite agree Lynn, did seem a bit confusing. We got there in the end :smooooth:


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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