November 15, 2009 at 1:41 pm
Routine task on Dynamic Tables
Field contains XML data and Tags of nText type
For example I need to routinelyINSERT '<FULLNAME>%</FULLNAME>' INTO tempTBL FROM tb_Lead *
Sample of field contents of varying length so cannot use set length amounts:
'<Candidate><FullName>Neil Vicente</FullName><Email></Email><Random1>jXzcfm^[[X</Random1><Random2>BGCYNxusZj</Random2><Random3>VHjMjnGZCi</Random3></Candidate>'
'<Candidate><FullName>Jessie Hamaker</FullName><Email></Email><Random1>oC`GCCVzFv</Random1><Random2>lTksRLBrgs</Random2><Random3>^SZt\VfR^T</Random3></Candidate>'
'<Candidate><FullName>Tabatha Theiss</FullName><Email></Email><Random1>cucMOqwDio</Random1><Random2>n]LKMaddu_</Random2><Random3>^T_sL_KuVZ</Random3></Candidate>'
'<Candidate><FullName>Roslyn Rodenberger</FullName><Email></Email><Random1>bNkiZPIzda</Random1><Random2>DHxutc\GwB</Random2><Random3>J]aRCIVS]J</Random3></Candidate>'
'<Candidate><FullName>Darryl Palazzo</FullName><Email></Email><Random1>l]fUj[vtBS</Random1><Random2>XEa\\_qcTL</Random2><Random3>EXdCXamuMG</Random3></Candidate>'
'<Candidate><FullName>Hillary Lerman</FullName><Email></Email><Random1>xa`oMUESJp</Random1><Random2>l_SXmfQQVR</Random2><Random3>UmYUf^qEjR</Random3></Candidate>'
'<Candidate><FullName>Julio Bator</FullName><Email></Email><Random1>GBi]I`LoCC</Random1><Random2>xUwUurVNRQ</Random2><Random3>N\zbeSn^rM</Random3></Candidate>'
'<Candidate><FullName>Nelson Zobel</FullName><Email></Email><Random1>ErfUzb`_ss</Random1><Random2>UO[az^eDLV</Random2><Random3>VVng\Zwp`H</Random3></Candidate>'
'<Candidate><FullName>Cody Dobyns</FullName><Email></Email><Random1>ivFokV^Qld</Random1><Random2>C]HLFOJKti</Random2><Random3>jtWmkHoKaL</Random3></Candidate>'
What SQL command or WildCard am I missing that will extract this?
I have come up with this solution that works great in Excel:
However I have not found a comparable function to {"FIND"} in SQL server, unfortunately this does not work:
SELECT SUBSTRING(Candidate, 22, FIND("Email",Extended)-34)) AS FullName FROM tb_Lead
Msg 195, Level 15, State 10, Line 2
'FIND' is not a recognized built-in function name.
Although this below works fine in theory, it does not accurately capture the desired result since <FullName> is of variable length (larger or smaller than 12):
SELECT SUBSTRING(Candidate, 22, 12) AS FullName FROM tb_Lead
Would CHARINDEX and, or with PATINDEX be the solution, in what format?
November 15, 2009 at 1:50 pm
You seem to of answered your own question, charindex would suit your needs.
This link describes the uses of both Charindex and patindex
BUT if you have XML why are you not using the internal XML processing ?
November 15, 2009 at 2:00 pm
I do not see how CHARINDEX can work for variable length strings.
Although it is in fact XML data, I am only manipulating the text, not working with the XML in any other way.
November 15, 2009 at 2:20 pm
I think that you will run into a myriad of performance issues further down the line
But something like , ive broken it down to show the working but you should be able to get it back to one line , or a udf...
Declare @SearchElement varchar(50)
Declare @SearchElementEnd varchar(50)
Declare @Start integer
Select @SearchElement = "<FullName>"
Select @SearchElementEnd = "</FullName>"
Select @Start = charindex(@SearchElement,@XmlString)
Select @End = charindex(@SearchElementEnd,@XmlString,@Start)
Select substring(@XmlString,@Start+len(@SearchElement),@End-@Start)
Im not in a position to test that right now, and this is not something that i would like in my production environment. Hope it helps you though
November 15, 2009 at 2:48 pm
I would use the code that David has given you, but I'd be careful because of performance issues.
November 15, 2009 at 5:51 pm
Steve and David I really appreciate your insight, time, support and immediate responses!!
FYI...This is purely a data manipulation tool in a c# application that will extract certain data, analyze, reorganize and merge it within a temp table, then insert back into new field within the running server, deleting the XML <nodes> as well as the temp table when finished.
Know of anything existing that might also perform these tasks?
I will keep you posted on the resulting progress.
Enjoy your week!
November 16, 2009 at 1:18 am
thns the topic was very usefull
November 16, 2009 at 1:37 am
Know of anything existing that might also perform these tasks?
That'll be XML Processing
Declare @test-2 xml
Select @test-2 = '<Candidate><FullName>Neil Vicente</FullName><Email></Email><Random1>jXzcfm^[[X</Random1><Random2>BGCYNxusZj</Random2><Random3>VHjMjnGZCi</Random3></Candidate>'
select t.col.value ('FullName[1]', 'varchar(50)')as FullName,
t.col.value ('Email[1]','varchar(255)') as Email
from @test.nodes ('Candidate') AS t(col)
November 16, 2009 at 1:48 am
what dos the [1] mean on the select statment
November 16, 2009 at 2:11 am
Its essentially the offset of the element required
Declare @test-2 xml
Select @test-2 ='<Elem><Child>One</Child><Child>Two</Child><Child>Three</Child></Elem>'
select t.col.value ('Child[1]', 'varchar(50)')as Child1,
t.col.value ('Child[2]','varchar(50)') as Child2,
t.col.value ('Child[3]','varchar(50)') as Child3
from @test.nodes ('Elem') AS t(col)
November 16, 2009 at 2:17 am
first thanx for help
who can i make it run dynmicly (if i dont know the number of child how to make it retrive all of them)
November 16, 2009 at 3:16 am
first thanx alot for your great help
can i ask about how is the shap of the xml variable parsing tree and how can i move through it and retrive date
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