Find the account under which sql service and agent are running

  • Hi

    How do I find "sql server service and sql server agent are running under which account"?

    Thanks for the help



  • Administrator tools->Services->SQL Server And Agent Properties->Log on..

    Alternatively, enterprise manager->SQL Server Properties->Security and for SQL Agent....enterprise manager->Managemet->SQL Server Agent->Properties...


  • Programs --> Administrative Tools --> Services

  • Thanks Kishnan, Jimmy

    For some reason under EM -- Properties ...... "startup service account" it doesn't show me any value (and it's grayed) for both service and agent (although I have registered the server using an account that has sysadmin privileges)



  • This will read the registry and give you what you need, I got it from this site after posing the same question:



    @reg_srv varchar(256),

    @reg_agent varchar



    serverproperty('instancename') is null

    begin --default instance

    set @reg_srv='SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\SERVICES\MSSQLSERVER'

    set @reg_agent='SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\SERVICES\SQLSERVERAGENT'



    begin --named instance

    set @reg_srv='SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\SERVICES\MSSQL$'+cast (serverproperty('instancename') as sysname)

    set @reg_agent='SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\SERVICES\SQLAgent$'+cast (serverproperty('instancename') as sysname)


    exec master..xp_regread

    'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @reg_srv, 'ObjectName'

    exec master..xp_regread

    'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @reg_agent, 'ObjectName'


  • Thanks much Andrew, above mentioned code definitely helps.


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